Chronicles of Alan: Old Family secrets

My Good Friend @ johnjgeddes wrote a series several weeks ago called Contacting the Dead in 4 parts.

If you like well written Love Stories with a twist, Follow Him , if you are not following him , I have only one question , "Why Not?

This picture seemed appropriate

On reading this Series, it reminded me of a Story my Dad told me , many years ago..

His Family's Home was a Flat on De Waal Drive in Cape Town , 2 Tip Toe Flats to be exact.

My Dad had 2 Brothers , Eric & George and an Older Sister , Lorraine.

My Dad had gone to evening Service at Church, in Mowbray , none of his siblings had gone with.

While he was gone someone had come there with a Ouija Board, and they sat around the Kitchen Table using it.

When My Dad, Lionel, got back he went into the Kitchen, evidently the Board stopped operating?

They asked my Dad to leave, and upon closing the Door, back in Operation! Called him back in again, same pattern.

He left again, and the Question was asked, " Why do you stop working when our Brother is in the Room ?"

Answered, " I cannot work in the same room as someone who has just been to Church"

" Why Not ?'

"Because I Am The Devil !"

Evidently the board flew off the Table , and no one in that family ever got involved with this sort of thing again.

I was going to give my explanation on some of these things, but will do a post , The Reality behind Monster Legends , that should give my study and insights into these matters.

I am posting earlier than usual as I have to fill in as a Sound Engineer at a Club.

Thank You for Stopping By My Friends

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