About That Hammer....

When I was five years old, I figured I'd help my brother and our neighbor with a project they were working on.

My brother and our neighbor decided one day that they were going to start tearing down the old shed my dad had built since we had gotten a new one. I didn't tell them that I was coming out there. While they were just swinging the hammer around to hit stuff, I walked behind our neighbor without telling him, and he hit me between the eyes with the claw part of the hammer. I started screaming as blood was coming down my face. My parents were on their way home when it happened. My siblings rushed me to meet my parents as they were coming down the road. They took me to the hospital where my mom kept telling me to not fall asleep because they didn't take me back immediately. When I went to a room I swore I was going to need stitches but they just put steri-strips on it and cleaned me up. When I got back home later that night, I had a stuffed animal waiting for me from our neighbor. He felt so bad for what had happened. I had to keep the steri-strips on till they fell off themselves. My aunt insisted on taking them off me when I stayed with her at one point. More like ripping them off my face. It hurt quite a bit.

To this day I have a scar between my eyes from that hammer.


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