Pretty Sure People like this need to be thrown off of things. AKA Daily Mail doesn't look very far into things

Evening Steem,

So here I am sitting at yet another airport; flight delayed for the 4th time in under 3 hours, so I do what most of us always do flip the laptop open, find a spot as far away from people as possible, and brows the all mighty FB. Then this pops up:
daily mail.jpg

Ah daily mail, such a heartfelt wonderful sound track to go with something I'm sure most people can understand. Losing a loving pet is stupid painful, and we all feel sorry for the owner... Then I see this as a link under "FUCK THIS GUY" (that is usually my que to click on said link)

And now I'm pissed off (shocker) could this info be real? I mean the video is 2 years old plenty of time for people to research this person, maybe the author has a grudge, I mean Daily Mail couldn't have fucked up that badly could they? What does Google Think?

Whelp front page of google goes back to the FUCK THIS GUY statement with the original article being first followed by plenty more. Shit like this, if it is true (and i'm very inclined to go with fuck that guy) shows a hole in the system most of the crypto world is all too used top. Emotional Finance manipulation. Looks like my flight is finally getting ready to board so I'm out.

If you find out more or have anything to say on the matter let me know :)

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