Scammers/Conman in the Malaysian Technical & Vocational Education & Training (TVET) industry

Yes, scammers are everywhere, even in a noble industry such as education.

Following are few examples that I've came across over my past 16 years in the industry.
Please take note, especially those from the Beauty & Hair industry.

Getting PP-PPD/PP-PPT/PPL induction course without attending the course itself

This happened many many years ago (+-10 years back), where unscrupulous organisers issued certificate to candidates even without them being present (at one time, organisers get to print certs on their own). So if you're not sure how the cert looks like in present day, here it is. Can verify with the Department of Skill Development (better well known as JPK in Bahasa Malaysia) with the Serial No printed at the bottom left of the cert.

PP-PPD cert sample.jpg

Promising foreign candidates that they can obtain the PP-PPD/PP-PPT/PPL certificate

These positions are strictly limited to MALAYSIAN only. So if anyone promise you can be done, it's a sign of a con job.
Malaysian ONLY.jpg

Promising foreign candidates (those that came in with student visa, tourist visa but not working permit etc) that they can obtain Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM)

Yes, they can apply but with additional requirements such as:

i. Submit application at least 6 months before the expiry of work permit;
ii. Possess valid personal identification;
iii. Possess valid work permit or pass, issued by Malaysian Immigration Department;
iv. Working in any Malaysian registered company;
v. Has been staying in Malaysia for more than 2 consecutive years; AND
vi. All application, counselling & assessment to be conducted in either Malay (Bahasa Malaysia) or English.

Promising candidates they can get their SKM certificate via RPA (PPT in BM - Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu) even though they have no experience in that particular field.


Eg: A beautician was promised that they can get SKM in nursing (which has already been cancelled from the NOSS registry) by just pretending to take photos of taking care of patients in the hospital & some other Work Activities that's required of a nurse.
You must be wondering why a beautician need a SKM in nursing? Again, another empty promise. Because of the customer's ignorance, they misled them into believing that nurses or having a SKM would enable them to perform injections in their beauty salons. Failed Injection.jpg
Photo credit: Shutterstock

Another case related to the beauty industry

An association was set up to so call represent the beauty industry, convincing beauticians to sign up as their association members. By joining them, members are being informed that they would then be able to administer injections for their customers, legally. Should they face any issue with the authorities, the association would be backing them up (it's like they are under protection of the association).

"PUTRAJAYA: Beauty salons, spas and aesthetic clinics not properly certified are barred from giving any kind of injection, including Botox and Vitamin C, to their customers or they risk being closed down.
Such a procedure can only be performed by medical practitioners, and those not medically certified to do so can be accused of masquerading as doctors, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam.


JPK Accredited Centres promising allowance by the Ministry of Human Resources when in fact the allowance is actually part of the loan that the students apply for under PTPK (yes, the infamous RM40 million swindled fund)

Lying or intentionally hiding the fact from candidates of certain pre-requisites for certain courses

Eg. Those that intend to attend PPL induction course needs to pass the PP-PPD-PPB induction course first. However, some organisers are desperate to get get students till they intentionally didn't inform the prospective candidate, causing the candidate fail to get the certificate due to unmet set of criteria.

Well, the list can go on but these are the common ones I faced or got feedback from customers.
Have you got any other scammers story to share?

Anyone intending to venture into TVET should at least browse through the department's (JPK) official website, If you find it info overloaded, you may try out the simplified version at

If still unsure what to do or can't search the info you wanted, give me a call or whatsapp at 012-3123430 or call up the department at 03-88865489 (be patient to reach them ya :-P)
Unanswered calls.jpg

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