Scamdemic was already being planned 20 years ago

"The little-known Bioterrorism Act was signed into law in June 2002. ...The Bioterrorism Act empowers the Food and Drug Administration to heavily regulate or ban the importation of food and control the distribution of drugs that could be used to treat diseases resulting from biological attacks.
... In the event of a major health crisis, this legislation would empower a governor to quarantine population centers as well as establish state control over all private and public assets at the discretion of public health officials.
...The sweeping emergency powers include control of private media outlets, rationing of medicine and food, and price quotas and controls. The law provides for the confiscation of property, including guns.
Public health officials would be granted police powers to order mandatory medical examinations of private citizens and make refusal to be vaccinated a criminal offense.
Emergency health powers would also grant government the power to forcibly quarantine individuals or groups of individuals, with or without notice, in a variety of facilities deemed acceptable by the state.

Bureaucrats who, in the course of implementing emergency powers cause death or bodily injury to private citizens, are specifically exempted from liability."

--Social Chaos Survival Guide by Jake Carson, 2004

Yes, this scamdemic was already being planned almost 20 years ago...

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