Scam alert Bitcointopia it really is too good to be true


I felt the need to get out this warning to those may not know but Bitcointopia is a scam

It sounds really good when you read about Bitcointopia. A community build around bitcoin. I read the white paper and was really excited about the prospect of becoming an owner in Bitcointopia. But I am not stupid, I am not sending half a bitcoin to anyone without doing my due diligence. But if everything was on the up and up my friend Audrey and I was going to go into business together and invest in this community. Audrey and I have been friends for years and she specializes in real estate so @audreybertens did what any investor would do and requested the contracts to go over. She noticed some red flags and went into the public land records of Nevada and discovered that Morgan Rockwell owns less than 5 acres of land in the area that he is selling these plots of land. From what I understand over 100 + people didn't do their due diligence and was taken by this scam. He is still on Twitter advertising lots of sell. You don't have to believe what I say, but please go to the public land records and look who owns the land that he claims he owns, he doesn't own it.

@ricecrypto was hired to promote Bitcointopia

He also tapped Audrey to look into the real estate legal issues of everything. When he found out that Morgan Rockwell doesn't own what he is selling he resigned from the project. Since Morgan Rockwell has been trying to tarnish Chris's name. People who question what is going on and ask for further proof he blocks. He blocked me for stating he doesn't own the land he is selling according to the public land records, I asked him to prove me wrong, he still hasn't he just blocked me.

@ricecypto has been trying to get the word out

He wants to protect the crypto community and so do I so I decided to make a post warning my readers of the scam that is going on. Another side note is that Morgan Rockwell is also under indictment for another bitcoin scam. So that is two big huge red flags. If the indictment isn't bad enough, he is selling people land he doesn't own. Please warn your friends about this scam.

I am sad this was a scam

The idea of the community is a great idea, too bad a scammer is taking advantage of people and this isn't real. Maybe one day a community surround and funded by crypto will exist in the real world and not just online. Scams like this makes it harder for cryptos to become main stream. I am always looking at ways to invest in my future but I do my research and highly suggest everyone do your research before investing and if something seems to good to be true, double the research on it before investing. Make sure the people behind it are legit. Make sure they own the assets they are trying to sell. I feel for those who invested who think they bought 1-3 or more acres of land to find out they didn't buy shit.

social media done right updated.jpg

I am not a financial advisor, I am just sharing my experience and knowledge of a scam to prevent it happening to any other people

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