The benefits of peace

The benefits of peace

Peace is a blessing for all those who come to experience it and God is the giver of peace because He wants everyone to enjoy it, but sadly we can see that there are few who achieve peace even though all of us desire to have peace.


What has happened to people who constantly seek peace and can not find peace?

I think it is a spiritual problem and the lack of God in their lives, anyone who does not have Jesus in their hearts can have peace, since He said: "Peace I leave you, my peace I give you, I do not give it to you as the world gives it, so do not let your heart be troubled or be afraid. "(John 14:27). This expression shows us that the world can not give peace and that is where the problem lies because people seek peace in all that the world offers less in what God promises.

Living quietly and peacefully is a longing that can be done if we seek the Lord and fulfill our responsibility as children.
The Lord is the source of peace! John 16:33 tells us:
"These things I have spoken to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have affliction; but trust, I have overcome the world...."


God offers us peace through his word and spirit. It is important to read the scriptures to increase our peace. The more promises you understand and create, the more peace you will get.
Psalm 29:11
"Jehovah will give power to his people;
Lord will bless his people with peace".

The peace of God is a testimony of Him in us and although we go through storms his spirit will keep us in peace.

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