Every human being is surrounded by circumstances or storms that knock on their door and generate uncertainty and fear about the future. The uncertainty always produces fear, it paralyzes us, and it does not let us move forward, it brings depression, insomnia, stress, and it is nothing more than pressure from the enemy. But the Bible has a lot to say about this, and if we put more attention to what God says we would not need to attend so many doctors and psychologists.


God needs us to hear him, to pay attention to him and to put his words into practice instead of paying attention to what others say and even our mind. By doing this we would be prepared for the exam that makes us life, because she is responsible for testing the words we receive. When we hear God and live according to what He says, the blessings will reach us, and there will be no room for the curse, because God wants to bless us in every area of ​​our life.

Deuteronomy 28: 2: "And all these blessings shall come upon you, and they shall overtake you, if you obey the voice of the LORD your God."

It is not that we have faith but what we have it in, many people have faith in their abilities, in their bank account, they have it placed in wrong things and whenever we place our faith outside God we will be disappointed. Our faith was designed to connect with God, not with other things. We do not need great faith to move a mountain, what we need is to place it in the right place, and it is God. Everything is mobile, but God is unshakable.

Matthew 17:20: "Jesus said to them: Because of your little faith; for verily I say unto you, That if ye have faith as a mustard seed, say to this mountain, Get thee hence out of the way, and it will pass away; and nothing will be impossible for you. "

The goodness of God takes care of us. The good is translated into goodness, and this makes God take care of us every morning and it will be like this all the days of our life, in any place, at any time, no matter who we are or how many people exist, God is attentive to us. When we place our faith in the goodness of God, we know that He cares for us because He loves us, and not because we deserve it. The mercy of God works in our favor. The goodness of God: God gives me what I do not deserve. Mercy: God DOES NOT GIVE ME WHAT I DESERVE. When God's mercy is revealed to us, we understand that He will not pay us according to our works.

Psalm 52: 8: "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; In the mercy of God I trust eternally and forever. "

The enemy will always try to tell us that we do not deserve anything because we fail, but remember that God does not give us according to what we are, but to what He is, and He is good and merciful. His kindness will take care of us and his mercy will lead us to his grace. When fear comes, let us hold on to the promise that the mercy of God is the only one that will sustain us. We do not know what will happen tomorrow, but we can assure that God will keep us because He is merciful.

It does not matter that we are wrong or disobeyed God, when we are in the midst of pain God shows us his love and embraces us, because his mercy lasts for life. We have a God in which to place our faith, that is why we do not fear tomorrow because He will be with us, and if we have sinned let us remember that where sin abounded the grace abounded. If we place our faith in the mercy of God, we will see things that we have not seen, He does not leave anyone ashamed. Let's fill ourselves with faith and believe that his mercy is greater than our faults and mistakes, place that faith in God and He will do great things in our lives.

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