The value of the word and the power it has for the daily Battle

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After meditating for several days about the armor of God for the Christian, I was deeply struck that the only part of the armor that is offensive is the "Sword of the Spirit" since the others are totally defensive.

It is important to remember that Ephesians 6:17 advises us:
"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God", it should be remembered that in this sense we are talking about a part of the armor of God that is spiritual therefore the elements that conform it It is also spiritual

In that order of ideas it is also worth remembering that with God's armor we can face all the traps of the evil one and we will be victorious.

Let's see what Ephesians 6: 13-18 tells us about God's armor, God's armor, are the tools he gives to his children so that we can overcome the devil's attacks.
"13 Therefore, take all the armor of God, so that you can resist on the bad day, and having finished everything, stand firm.
14 Be firm, then, your loins tight with the truth, and clothed with the breastplate of righteousness,
15 and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
16 Above all, take the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the darts of fire of the evil one.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
18 praying at all times with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching over it with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints

The sword of the spirit is a piece of the armor of God that indicates that it is an instrument that to use it will involve a very close personal encounter with God.


I think it is convenient to say that it is one of the most important since through it the others will be given. This sword described by Paul is a short sword, not a long one and is identified with the word of God. For this reason we cannot ignore the value of the word and the power it has for the daily Battle. That word encourages and comforts me but also leads us to confront the enemy with great power.

Note that when God created the world he did it through the word and also every time he faced the enemy he did it through the written word, because in the mountain sewrmón he did it with satan when he tempted him, he said. "Because it is written," that is, I quote the word to defeat the enemy.

therefore there is power in the word that is "the sword of the spirit." In this way the Lord puts his word in our hands so that we can use it with power and resist the devil as He has not demonstrated when He was tempted in the desert by the enemy.

Beloved brothers "the sword of God" is sharper than any two-edged sword for this reason we must use it and give it its proper function trusting that in the Bible its full power is contained when the temptation comes to say: "because it is written", We need to believe and quote firmly the powerful word of God.

The word of God contains all the answers to all the questions of man and the solutions to all problems are reflected whether they are good or bad it is the infallible word of God that gives you wisdom to walk on the road and great personalities have opined that In the Bible there is a great treasure worth looking for:
One of them was Teodoro Rosevelt who said: "A broad knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a university career."
Abraham Lincoln "This great book is the best gift that God has given to men but for him we could not distinguish good from evil."
All these statements are based on the experience and wisdom that can be found in the scriptures and in essence in this "armor of God for man."

In that order of ideas it is also important to clarify that when the Christian wields the sword of the word, it should not be used as a sword of judgment, because the only one who has the right to judge is God and we cannot become judges of each other.

Let us use the word of truth, the gospel of salvation and peace because today many misuse the word of God and often hurt and kill. It is for this same reason that the apostle Paul writes to Timothy and advises him to "use the word of truth well."
This today can be our advice to advance in the work of God to resist the devil t access the victory and blessings that God has for his people

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