
Happy New Year! My best wishes for all of Steemit's fmilia.

The peace and love of God cover all talented people in the blockchain. God is good and is our shepherd to provide everything we need and supply all deficiencies according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
The Bible is completely filled, from beginning to end, with promises regarding God's provision for our needs. Our heavenly Father always gives, always loves, is always generous with his children.

We will focus on the present study, in the book of Exodus 16: 1-14. Then, the same God, who gave provision for his people in the desert, is the same God, who today does the same for us.

God's provision on the entire journey of the Bible.

In the first chapters of Genesis, the Lord gives the first man and the first woman a perfect garden. In Revelation, we read about our final home: the perfect and eternal heaven that He has created for us. And in the rest of the books we see how God delights to bless his people.

At the beginning of the New Testament, we read how God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, as a supreme gift of blessing to give us what we needed most: forgiveness of sin and communion restored with Him.

Be careful to limit yourself to your own skills and resources.

When you limit yourself to your own skills and resources, you soon run out of both elements. But when you focus your faith on what God can do for you, you discover infinite resources that cannot be measured or depleted. God's resources are one hundred percent proof of inflation and recession.

The very nature of God gives you the assurance of your abundant provision.

Do not forget that God is:

  • Omniscient: the Lord knows your need. He knows her even better than you and before you (Mt 6: 8).
  • Almighty: the Lord has all the power to meet any need you have (Philippians 4:19).
  • Omnipresent: the Lord is active at this time to meet your needs (Psalm 34: 7-8).
  • Omni-benevolent: Thanks to the perfect and unconditional love of the Lord, you can be sure that He will always give you the best (Ephesians 2: 4-7).

The testimony of God's past events providing.

The character of God is not the only thing that gives you the assurance that He will provide you, but also has the testimony of God's past events for his people. The Scriptures point to him again and again as the author of eternal salvation and of all goodness (He5: 9; Stg 1:17).

Consider just a few examples from the book of Exodus:

  • He opened a path for his people to cross the Red Sea and thus escape his enemies (Ex 14).
  • He gave manna to eat in the desert (Ex 16: 1-21).
  • He made water sprout from a rock to quench people's thirst (Ex 17: 1-6).
  • He gave his commandments to his people, despite their lack of moral character (Ex 20-31).
  • He provided everything they needed to build the tabernacle (Ex. 12: 35-36; Ex. 35: 21-29).

God provided his people to meet all needs after they left Egypt.

Since the Israelites had left behind the only home they had known in Egypt, God provided all their needs. He gave them protection, satisfaction of basic needs (water and food), spiritual instruction and healing. Today he does the same for us!

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