A great and true love that never ceases to be


Greetings to all.

My message today refers to a great and true love that never ceases to be. It is not a mortal love, but a love that always is and remains forever. It is about the eternal love of God.
First Corinthians 13 is perhaps the most cited passage in the world on the subject of love. Verse 13 says: “And now faith, hope and love remain, these three; But the greatest of these is love".

We recognize that Jesus showed his sacrificial love by dying for our sins, making our forgiveness possible and reestablishing a relationship of communion with the Father. However, many times we do not realize that Christ's love goes even beyond the cross.

Everything we do and do not do, as well as what we face and do not face, is touched by their permanent love. Everything in our life depends on love, because God, who is love, created us in his image (1 Jn 4: 8-16). As God loves us, he gives us blessings and allows us to share them. When we pray and the answer is that we wait, it is because he loves us and knows that we need time to grow. When the overwhelming decisions that lie ahead make it difficult for us to know what our next step will be, our Lord and Savior shows us how much we need to depend on his love to guide us.

Jesus showed this kind of amazing love to Martha and Mary on the occasion of Làzaro's death. John 11: 6 says: "When he heard, then, that he was sick, he stayed two more days in the place where he was."
Jesus knew that Martha and Mary needed to suffer to grow. He allowed the sisters to suffer because he loved them.

Until we come to understand and deepen and intimate in our being that God is love, we will fight to trust him, surrender to him, obey him and serve him wholeheartedly. One of the keys to our spiritual growth as Christians is to believe in God's love, even when we cannot see it.

Although we must live with faith and hope, our most permanent abode is the love of God. If we do not make our love our main abode, we cannot live fully in faith and hope. We must reject and take a step and even breathe, without remaining extremely sensitive to the "greatest of them" which is the love of our Father.

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