I woke up today with the news that Marcos, a friend has cancer, is on the threshold of death. The disease has destroyed his body and ravaged his mind. No system and organ are functioning as they should, and the physical pain is unbearable. Already, he is more unconscious than he consents. And when I heard of his sufferings, I thought of Psalm 73



“Who do I have in heaven but you? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart faint; but the rock of my heart and my portion is God forever. ”(vs. 25,26)

Marcos, in his physical state, has reached this point. Right now, who or what does he have? Who or what could I wish, on earth or in the heavens? He no longer has health or strength; for what riches or possessions; Now, hopefully, you have made peace with your loved ones and said goodbye to them. What do you have left then? Who is left? Only God.

But when all we have left is God, we discover that He is enough. More than enough. Because, although our flesh and heart may faint, we still have God - and He never falters (Isaiah 40:28). He is the rock of our heart and our portion forever.

What makes us feel safer as human beings living on this earth? Isn't it when we have something solid and strong under our feet? Walking in the sand is unstable - climbing up the lava and ash of a volcano is two steps forward and one step back - standing firmly in an earthquake or earthquake is almost impossible. The only thing that makes us feel safe and calm is to have a “rock”, something solid and strong, under our feet. In the spiritual realm, that is God for us when our bodies are already fainting: the rock of our heart, powerful to sustain and protect us when there is no one or anything else.

And what does it mean for God to be our portion? The word portion comes from the Hebrew "cheleq", and means part, or ration, or lot - it comes from the root of the verb spread and assign. God, then, is our part or lot - it is the ration that has been distributed and assigned to us. And although portion sounds little and limited, it is not when we speak of God, because for us it is all we need and all we could ever crave. "My portion is God forever" - not His grace, nor His love, nor His promises - but God Himself, who has given himself to us as our only, necessary, desired and more-than-sufficient portion. But not only that: He has chosen us as His portion as well, as Deuteronomy 32: 9 states: "For the portion of Jehovah is his people: Jacob the inheritance that touched him." He is the portion of us - and we are the portion of Him. What a wonder!

Friend: and you? Do you also feel that your body and your heart are fainting? Can you approach God, and know him as the rock of your heart and your portion forever? He is unique - He is everything you need and everything you could hope for - He is more-than-enough. Test it. You will not be disappointed. “Prove and see that the LORD is good; Blessed are those who take refuge in Him. ”(Psalm 34: 8)

Here on earth, his flesh and heart fainted. But in heaven, it has new body and spirit. And there he is enjoying, in perfect joy and peace, the presence of God: the rock of his heart and his portion forever.

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