
"I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).

I. What is this Gospel.
The Gospel of Christ is the good news of peace with God, through the blood of his Cross. Not only is the message good, but the Messenger himself is full of grace and truth.

The law was given with many symbols of terror, but grace came with an agonizing heart. The Gospel embraces the life, death and resurrection of Christ as the Savior of the world.

II. The valuation of the Gospel by Paul. "I am not ashamed."

Undoubtedly, he remembered the words of the Lord Jesus in Mark 8:38.

1 He was not ashamed to BELIEVE it. Never since that day when he met the Lord, and surrendered to Him, saying, "What do you want me to do?" (Acts 9: 6).
2 He was not ashamed to CONFESS him. He was determined not to know anything else among men (1 Cor. 2: 2). Also ready to preach in Rome (v. 15).
3 I was not ashamed to SUFFER for him. Suffering for the Name of Christ was part of his inheritance in Him (Acts 9:16). In 2 Cor. 11: 23-28 a list of his sufferings appears. Everyone who wants to live piously will have to suffer.

III. Why he was not ashamed of the Gospel. «Because it is the power of God.»

1 It is the POWER OF GOD. It is the proclamation of the powerful Word of the One who created the heavens and the earth by the same Word. It is the means by which the omnipotence of God works in mercy and salvation.

2 It is the power of God FOR SALVATION. The same power that he created in antiquity is now directed by the Gospel for the salvation of the lost. Salvation has been a more costly work for God than creation. Of course, we have enough power to face the need of everyone. "Is not my word like fire, and like a hammer?" (Jer 23:29).

3 It is the power of God for salvation TO EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES. Everyone who believes enters into the field of this lifter, savior power. There are many so fascinated by the pleasures of sin that they do not hear the new news of salvation from heaven (Gal.3: 1). The freedom and grace of this Gospel is the glory of him, but for this same cause many are ashamed of him, because he rebukes his pride and ignores the justice they claim.

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