Why when we think of worship we imagine something What do we do when we go to a church? Poor people of God,
that stumbles forward. How confused we can get to be, we can spend our lives mired in bewilderment and die confused Books are written that confuse us even more, and we write songs that confirm those books and confuse us to us and to others, even more; and we do it as if the only where we could worship God were a church, to which
we call the house of God. We entered that building dedicated to He, made of bricks, linoleum and other materials, and we say: «The Lord is in his holy temple; that bend all knee in front of the".


Personally, I like that from time to time a cult start like this But it can not end there. If it arrives on Monday at nine
in the morning, and you do not enter your office and say: «The Lord is in my office, and everyone is silent in front
of Him », then on Sunday he was not worshiping the Lord. If not You can worship him on Monday, it's just that he did not do it the day before. If not he adores him on Saturday, his Sunday worship is not authentic.
Some people put God in that box that is the building of church. God is not present in that church, nor what
It is in your home. God is nowhere more than he is in the factory or in the office where you work.
When I was younger, I worked in the Identification, Migration and Foreigner System of my country, where we made identification and passports, I was in charge of the system, I worshiped God in my assembly line until the tears came to my eyes.
Nobody ever saw those tears or asked me anything about it, but I would not have hesitated to tell them their cause.
As time passed and I worked in different fields, everything automatically became thinking about something else. Some spend the day dreaming; I adored I got to the point of being able to do my work with skill while worshiping God. He was in my work as much as in my church. For the that to me, there was no difference. If God is not in his factory, if God is not in his tent, if God is not in his office, then God will not be in your church when you go to her. When we worship our God, the songs in the earth makes the celestial organs resound.

All of life, the whole human being, must worship God. Faith, love, obedience, loyalty, behavior and life; All these things must worship God. If there is something in you that do not worship God, then there is nothing in you that worships God very well. If you compartmentalize your life and allow certain parties worship God but not others, then do not worship God as it should. We fall into a great deception if we think that a church, or the presence of death or sublimity are the only suitable environments to worship.You carry the worship inside your heart. You can take it I get everywhere. I have been with people who are very spiritual when they are on the top of a hill looking to the vacuum The stars and their orbits tell me, and also the crying baby; the flower that opens together the road declares it, and the soft snow that flies with the wind.

We do not need to be insisted in such an obvious way accept it as true. It is a great deception to think that, as we grasp a sense of the poetic in the presence of a storm, When seeing the stars or being in a mountain, we are spiritual. That is not necessarily true, at all, because the murderers, the Tyrants and drunks can also feel something like that.
There has never been a drunk who, when he regained consciousness, did not feel something like that; and there has never been a tyrant who, after giving the order to kill a dozen people, while returning At home, I have not seen anything that gave rise to poetic adoration. That is not imagination; It is adoration, brothers.
Pleasing worship of God saturates our whole being. Do not there is a nice worship to God if there is something in me that dislike I can not compartmentalize my life, worship God on Sunday and not doing it on Monday. I can not worship him with my songs and offend him in my work relationships. I can not worship to God in silence in the church and to annoy him with my activities.

There is no worship that really please God if in we have something that offends him.
Without Jesus Christ there is nothing good, and I do not apologize when saying that when you worship you must be completely, encompassing all his life. If you do not worship God in all aspects of your life equally, you will not adore it properly in any of they.


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