Hello Steemians!!!
I am erbeebassie.
I love the things of God and I love God as well.

I love teaching
I have passion for it.
I love to sing
It's my ministry.

I find joy in doing these two things.
I'm always happy to write to this community.

I find reasons to support, be recognized and also be known as a member of this community.

The Steemchurch international ministry has molded me to the person I am today.

This community has contributed immensely to my growth in life spiritually, physically, academically, financially and otherwise.

I won't be able to list, count or even mention all the things this community has done for me.

I'm a partaker of these blessings, you too can also benefit from it.
God bless Steemchurch.

Owing to this, as a would-be-teacher, I promulgate to teach and share with my friends, colleagues, neighbours and course mates the inspiring and motivational messages I have heard on this platform.

I promise to use my God-given gifts and talents to illuminate the body of Christ. So help me God.

I congratulate @Darlenys01 for her loyalty, commitment, dedication and hardwork towards the steemchurch international ministries. God bless you ma'am.

I congratulate @uyobong our new leader @sc-n for his words of advice, encouragement and selfless efforts on Steem.God bless you sir.

I also compliment our brethrens @liltom,@evegrace,@prettyglo for all their wonderful messages on this platform.God reward you all.

Finally, I salute the leadership of @sirknight which is worth emulating. God bless you.

Let's not lose hope and trust on God. With him on our side, success is sure.

To all members of this great community, I solicit supports as we all join hands on deck towards the building of the church.

Long live Steemchurch.

I still remain @erbeebassie.

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