Faith and Good Deeds

Now I will expose your so will help you. - Isaiah 57:12

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Some people believe being a good person would get them to heaven. Well here is a shocker, Doing good deed alone would not get you access into paradise and eternal life. What you need is faith in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, this is is what is going to lead us into the magnificent and beautiful life beyond this realm of the Earth. Know that faith God through our Lord Jesus Christ cannot be replaced by simply doing good deeds.

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Faith is believing in God and trusting fully and wholeheartedly in His grace and goodness. It also means being sure that something real even if you cannot see it, thus with faith we do not need to see God believe in him, neither do we need to see Heaven before we believe the Kingdom of God exist and is prepared to habitation by Sons of God


Don't forget to include God in your daily decisions so as to grow you relationship with Him. Have a Blessed Day.

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