Yesterday's SBT Poker - SBT DISCORD

Fun times with @sgt-dan inside of the discord server. He had attempted to stream the event to twitch. Which had a couple viewers which is okay for the first time. I can only expect things to grow for SBT as we continue this event. The first try is usually the worst try in most of my experiences. We did have one participant @eternalpaw who joined and reaped the rewards. Here are a few of the things that was won by the only participant.

RF Dolfar Darnlack - being the first participant to join.
1x #EZLICENSE - for knocking us out of the poker tournament. Wheel chose this prize.
.1 #Pizza
.5 #BEER

I will start giving similar type rewards to the above with the

Congratulations @eternalpaw! And thank you for participating in the first round of poker with @itzninjafool & @sgt-dan

This was what was won just for participating. Many good rewards on this system for joiners. Next week I would like to go over the new bounty program that I have in mind for the SBT discord server - I may need to discuss this during the poker, I might not have too though. Just watch out in the discord server for more information. The entire concept:

A Fantasy Splinterlands Team: Your best lineup. Doesn't matter if cards are rented to you during usage or not. This is where things will get interesting.

Each week, discord members will be able to sort of "bet" on their favorite teams to use. However, it will work like this:

100 Points to choose your team by paying 100 SBT.

Your card selection will determine your payout so choose wisely because what will happen next is how you will earn from it.

Costs of cards in points:

25 - Legendary Cards Used

If you picked only legendary cards, a maximum of 4 cards can be selected to spend all of your 100 points. You could mix and match cards to get the maximum payout. Because remember, I don't decide the rules of lost Legendaries and other rulesets that magically seem to want to go against you. I just don't. lol

15 Points - Epic Card Used

If you picked only Epic Cards - A maximum of 6 cards could be selected with 10 points left over for you to select 1 rare card or two commons. The goal is to spend the points and use the cards against other people in the server all week. At the end of the week, the points are calculated and the rewards will be issued. Wanted role in the server will double your points you earn at the end of the week.

10 Points - Rare Cards Used

Of course, since this one is over the amount the amount of cards used per match, it is okay, you can go over the amount of cards required for most matches. Total amount of cards usable is entirely up to you to use and utilize within your battles. Keep in mind that there will be other matches in which you will have a limit on which cards you can use. It's best to mix things up a bit in case of something like "lost legendaries" arises.

5 Points - Common Cards Used

With this selection, you are able to select up to 20 cards to be used inside of the matches that will earn your multipliers by 5. And that is per card! Imagine the possibilities you can have within each round of this new discord game!

As for the summoner, that one is a free pick. But, you will have to pick wisely. If you use more than two abilities on a summoner, you will get a negative multiplier and get half the points of win.

The rewards will work in the following way:

1 SBT x score of cards used in match. So, if you used four legendaries and had a chance to use all, you will earn your 100 points back. But, if you used say, immortalis. You would get half the rewards points for the round.

Each Dream Team event will last one week and it would be up to users to place battle challenges inside of the discord. I will be covering the Dream Team game during the next poker event and will want to battle you for your chance to spin this wheel:

We will be implementing this new "Dream Team" game into the discord likely after the event if everyone understands how to play it. I love fantasy sports, now it is time to work fantasy sports into Splinterlands and get rewarded with SBT for participating in the community events.

To submit your teams, just follow the google form and submit your teams, then battle people and post it in the form. I think at first, 10 battles will be the weekly limit per account to battle for rewards. However, that is just a test run and may change in the future. Also, it doesn't mean that you can't still battle for practice or fun against other members. Many tough splinter mages inside of the discord and everyone has their favs.

Anyway, I wanted to let holders know to look forward to "Dream Teams" if they want to maximize their SBT earnings. Have a blessed weekend!

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