SBT Server/Stake Tier Statistics


Discord Stats

Today, I would like to cover some SBT Official server/stake statistics.


Legendary Tier (1m SBT Staked)


Epic Tier (100k SBT Staked)


Rare Tier (10K SBT Staked)


Common Tier (1K SBT Staked)


Thank You All For Being SBT Stakerholders!!!


Out of 330 members only 36 members are staked rewards holders. That means that everyday, you have a 1/22 chance of winning something if you are in an epic or legendary tier. 1/30 for rare tier. 1/36 chance if you are a common stakeholder.

This system will also allow for you to have multiple chances of winning if you are a stakeholder, even with 1000 SBT staked.

Some people within the server have won multiple giveaways within a 24 hour cycle 2x. I think that will happen every-so-often if you are in the Epic/Legendary Tier. With those two tiers in particular, you have a chance of winning something 5x the amount of everyone else in the other tiers.

To see the current rewards system. Take a look at the current giveaway wheels we have set for stakeholders.

Legendary Tier Wheel
Epic Tier Wheel
Rare Tier Wheel
Common Tier Wheel
(All rewards are maintained by: (me) @itzninjafool)

(rewards may vary with time)

For those of you who have been holding SBT. Now, is the time to take advantage of this tier system within the SBT Discord. If you have not joined already consider joining the SBT Disord HERE. Collect Splinterlands assets that you may be missing throughout SBT raffles. 5 Raffles happen daily!

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