An announcement about things that took place recently...

First off,
I just want to say thank you to all those who have been interested in SBT. I really appreciate all the great things that have been thought up by the community who have loved the idea of the token.
I want to apologize to anyone that I may have not gotten to yet. There is a great reason why I recently went into a blackout these past two weeks. And no, it wasn't exactly just the holiday that has just passed. I will explain...

A couple of weeks ago, my Splinterlands account was breached. I have no clue as to how. Just know that they took my cards and locked me out of my account. Making it impossible for me to do anything within my account but watch as my cards slowly start to disappear one by one. It is frustrating. They took nearly 2 million power from me.

Even though it is a big disappointment. I will live. There are others out in this world facing far worse than assets disappearing. Hell, I am blessed to even have assets. Even more blessed that I still have some. Some may have even received the cards that were taken at a really cheap price in comparison to what others on the market were listed for. I honestly don't know exactly that the person/people gained access. What I do know is that whatever assets that they took are now locked within the accounts that stole them and that the two accounts that were involved are now banned. I look at it as if most the remaining cards were burned (the ones that are trapped) because they are trapped forever. Same as for the DEC and SPS they gained from my collection. I have no clue on the amount. I also have no clue as to how much they actually got from stealing my stuff. Someone is extremely lucky that Binance won't do squat about it. They have not responded to me about it and Binance is as far as I can track it. Thank you @skuuun for helping me trace where it all went. It was a big help for me to personally know where the assets went and to which address. I wish there was more I could do about it. But, as for now, there isn't. I have just been kind of depressed since the account was hacked and noticing everything disappear. And with me not know as to how they gained access to my account. I never share any of my info with anyone. Not friends, family, anyone gets that kind of info from me. But, do not feel bad, I still have a good amount of assets left and will rebuild based on that. Also, probably come back twice as strong with time. Chaos legion is still in the presale. After the presale is up and I can buy without vouchers I will likely spend a good amount as I did with Untamed. Tax time is max time for me in the Splinterlands world. I will just have to be patient.

I want to thank @BlackHearT @Toothfairy and @MumPulls for helping me within the discord server and lead me on my way to recover my account. I appreciate it greatly!

I also would like to check in on everyone in the Philippines who are dealing with the Typhoon that hit them. I hope you all are okay. I know my issue is nothing compared to what most of you are facing. Hang in there. Stay strong, this is a moment in which you must remain humble for what is left that you currently have. I know many of you have lost homes, possessions of all sorts, and are facing a much harder challenge than myself. I will help in anyway that I can. I am not wealthy but I know my money can go to helping if needed. Which I would be proud to do so. Keep your chins up. Please reach out if you can.

As for timing,

They picked the worse possible time to steal them from me. Some of you may know, I have been living off of my earnings from Splinterlands. I recently had made enough to use they earnings I was making from market trades and other investments from passive streams to pay my bills and pay off my home. I am just barely squeaking by now off of good investing and still able to do so. That is a plus. This is why I say do not feel bad. I have it fairly easy.

Many of you do not know anything about who I am. I will share a little bit of info to you so that some of you may know me slightly better.

My name is Christopher. I usually go by Chris. Ninja works as well. I am a father of four. Soon to be five. Three girls, one boy, and another boy on they way. Our family recently took in my brothers kids as well. This added four more boys and one more girl putting the amount of kids in our home to nine. It has been quite a handful. That is an understatement. But, due to some family issues of my brothers the state stepped in and asked us to take them. I chose this over losing my nephews and niece to the state. In which they stated would likely be permanent. I am almost certain that many of you might do the same thing if it were ever asked. This all happened a week prior to Christmas. The day after they came, I was hacked. It has been quite the rollercoaster. I am finally slowly rebuilding. I truly believe that things will get better within the near future. I refuse to let this speedbump defeat me and the hacker win. I will rebuild and come back 2x as strong. It will all just take a little time. And with time, this will allow me to create more possibilities. I will be focusing on what matters and that is making SBT better, creating more passive income streams, and rebuilding my decks. All with what I have left even though it is a bit less.

I did many things online based that I tried to do. From mining BTC and other coins. To creating an online shop that ended costing me more than I ever made while creating, running, and managing the site. I moved on from that and started blogging. Blogging became difficult because I lacked a niche. I didn't even know what niche to go with. I started writing short stories and poems. All this is what led to Splinterlands. I found a website (publis0x) which is how I came across Splinterlands.

When I found Splinterlands, I then stopped paying for the store that I had created. I diverted all of the funding that went to that monthly into Splinterlands. I soon found myself sitting on a gold mine waiting to be discovered while enjoying one of the best card games I have ever played. I am a huge card game fanatic. Especially, when it has lore and characters that are interesting looking. That is exactly what Splinterlands offers, as many of you know. I had hardly even blogged. I rarely even posted to be honest. Until the creation of SBT.

SBT is just in its starting phase. Much to come with SBT. It is going to be a project that I direct a lot of time and energy into in order to make it something that people will not want to dump and rather keep for what is yet to come. Much has been discussed. There are a lot of great ideas. Many of you have great minds and come up with great ideas. I cannot wait to see how this coin works within the coming year(s). And look forward to working with the community on making this coin much better for everyone that is truly interested in SBT.

When I get finished creating this post I will get back to issuing the coins. The current issued amount is 252,000,000 which is 2 million over a quarter of the total supply. I will be reaching out to many of you who have posted since these speedbump occurred and issue coins if I have not been able to do so yet. Thank you for your interest. If anyone would like to tell me their thoughts via comment feel free to do so.

Lastly, I want to wish everyone A Happy New Year! The past two years have been kind of rough for most of the world it seems. I know it has been a couple of years of ups and downs. Let us make 2022 a year of happiness and great investing. Also, a great year for SBT to grow into a great project that even whales will want to take part in. I wish everyone a successful year for 2022. I would love to hear any success stories if there has been any so far. I gain motivation to keep doing the things I do by hearing how success came and where it started. There are many stories of inspiration that help me gain the heart needed to keep pushing forward.

Anyway, thank you if you decided to stay with me and read this post about myself and the occurrences that happened within the last couple of weeks. Again, I apologize for anyone that I have not yet had a chance to get to within the SBT posts. You will be soon! Have a great rest of your week everyone!

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