Localcoin - Reliable Exchange Provider

At the time being, an inadequate number of decentralized exchanges operates all around the world. They commonly promise security, control and global marketplace, however, they have a fair set of drawbacks such as lack of transparency, insufficient liquidity levels, small trading volume, are misconfigured towards ineffectivity, and slow transaction speed rarely increases.
Furthermore, it is required to be already proficient with their software to be able to trade.

General Solution
Solution for all problem illustrated in abstact is the creation of pertukran capable of providing high security, transparency for everyone, adequate trading volume, easy to use and have good features.



The current decentralized market lacks integration, trust, and transparency as well as efficiency. There are still too many middle-men. And this is the reason why we have to look more clearly to Localcoin project.

Localcoin is a simple, safe and secure financing and trading platform powered by blockchain technology. This document presents an application structure for localcoin, a decentralized ecosystem that aims to shape the future of the decentralized cryptocurrency market. To optimize the financing cycle and open access to an organized decentralized platform, LocalCoin presents a contracting mechanism between enthusiasts, investors, and entrepreneurs.Localcoin vision is to become world’s leading blockchain technology provider.

Localcoin Trading Terminal


I would like you all to understand is that Local have different type of trading and likewise different platforms where traders and crypto-investors can trade.The main reason for every trade is to make profit and safeguard your assets and funds .

Localcoin platform uses three distinct types of transactions

  1. The local transaction between different accounts of the same cryptocurrency.
  2. The same protocol-based transaction created off the same protocol but between different currencies.
  3. Cross-chain transactions of different coins with a different protocol.

In addition, local coins have advanced features that can be used easily even though by laymen.
Local coin has features:

  1. Zero Trading fee
    There is no trading fees apart from the network ridiculously low commission. All you pay is fixed network fees just to push your transactions into the blockchain.
  2. High performance
    A Blockchain-based system that handles 100,000 transactions per second, with Bitcoin and Ethereum being not even close to that.
  3. Stealth mode
    Zero-knowledge super-secure transactions ('unknown' sent 'n' 'unknown' to 'unknown')". That means you can place blind transactions from your account to a secret account that cannot be viewed via any blockexplorer.
  4. Maximum security
    simply because it is only You who hold secret key to it. There no way centralised trading platforms can compete with decentralization, full encryption, total anonymity, cold storage, rigorous access management.

Know more :
Website => https://localcoin.is/
Wallet => https://wallet.localcoin.is/
Whitepaper => https://localcoin.is/downloads/LocalCoinBlockchain.pdf

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