We Care event in Phoenix for Saving our children










Had such an incredible experience at the We Care event in Phoenix yesterday. It’s so unbelievably powerful to see people unite together to fight the forces of darkness that is behind child/human trafficking. This is REAL, and it is absolutely devastating that this evil is still being done to innocent women and children.

I heard some first hand experiences of these speakers, and there’s one that especially stood out to me. This man was talking about how they have had rescue missions where they discovered that children were being kept in dog cages, and were let out just to be raped, then put back in. Eventually, most were killed.

This is really happening people. It’s not just a crazy conspiracy theory. We don’t want to believe it because we could never imagine doing this to another human being. But there is evil on this planet. No empathy, no mercy, no compassion. I know it’s hard to face this reality, it’s easier to bury your heads in the sand and pretend that it’ll just go away because other people will take care of it. But the reality is this is all of our responsibility to save these innocent, precious lives from these forces of darkness.

Human trafficking ends when we all stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. When we stand together and realize how powerful we really are when we come together and fight day in and day out and we won’t stop until every single woman and child is rescued from these sinister people.

So how can we stop this? According to Jaco Booyens (who is in the first picture here👇) how are you contributing to sex trafficking? We all want to go out and fight the pedophiles, and rescue the children, which is great! But are you still contributing to the issue? Are you still watching porn? Women and children are being trafficked and are watched on sites like pornhub. Want to really contribute to eradicate this darkness? These are things you need to ask yourself.

Learn the signs of when a child is in danger at a 7/11. Go to Jacos’s website. Learn to recognize a potential victim in public, you only have about 30 seconds to spring in to action. Tell all your neighbors you are exposing and eradicating child sex trafficking, and learn how to read peoples reactions and discern whether they are suspicious or not. Call, write letters to state legislatures. Harass them if you need to. Do not allow CSE (child sexual exploitation) in schools. Do not allow your child to be groomed at an early age in school. Call the principal, the head of the school administration.

We do not consent to pedophilia being normalized as a mental disorder rather than a crime. You corrupt the youth, especially sexually, you mess them up for life. Imagine programming an entire generation of sexually based trauma that normalizes sex at younger and younger ages. When they are so innocent. This is what is going to happen in schools, media etc if we don’t put a stop to it.

Petition to shut down pornhub and hold its executives accountable for aiding trafficking: https://www.change.org/p/shut-down-pornhub-and-hold-its-executives-accountable-for-aiding-trafficking?recruiter=1030808844

Jaco’s website: https://jacobooyensministries.org

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