the story of little girl Syria and his father's blind exposed to bomb "TAKE MY EYES"!



This 5-year-old Syrian daughter is staying with her family in Raihaniyyah Turki.Sang father has been blind and paralyzed by the bomb blast of Assad's bureaucratic regime while in Syria.

When speaking with a Turkish doctor, this girl gives a moving sentence of hope for whoever hears it.

He said,

أحب أبي كثيرا, وأحزن كثيرا عندما أراه هكذا ملقى على الفراش, إنه لا يتمكن من رؤيتي, ولذلك أحزن كثيرا, اسمعوا ندائي: خذوا عيني وأعطوهما لوالدي, ليتمكن من رؤيتي, وليتمكن من معانقتي, أسأل الله أن يديم والدي فوق رؤوسنا, فإنني أحبه كثيرا .
"How I love my dad, it's sad when I see him just lying on the bed, Daddy can not look at me, because this is how I feel so grieved Will you listen to my request Take my eyes and then give both for my father so he can see me again , then embraced me, I hope that he can always accompany us because I really love him. "Ya Rabb ... 😭😭 !!!
@portalmuslim [cr.portalislam]
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