Satoshi Nakamoto has changed the world

Some of my thoughts ...💭

This is starting to feel like the movie "#Inception", trying to explain fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies and more importantly "real world" problems to the indoctrinated, they attack back like drones with no reason or understanding. As we enter deeper levels of understanding (dreams? maybe I don't think so) Joining the fight trying to breach the perimeter knowing full well the 1st people through the door are being shot.

It must be done, it is inevitable.

I feel the war is upon us now. The mainstream media has pulled guard of this perimeter, and the drones are increasingly unhappy as we disregard the controlling rules of their realm.

We fight on and continue to knock down #thewalls of control, building the infrastructure as we go, all the while gaining and distributing more #knowledge and resources along the way.
I believe this to be key.

I see this war is going to be fought with knowledge learned from information delivered by valuable resources through sophisticated networks, and every human on this planet will need to bear arms, not guns but knowledge. The #internet will be our most valuable asset in this war, a life-raft for information, delivering supplies to every soldier on the front line in every corner of the planet. They will be needed.

We advance forward through ever heavier drone resistance pushing on determined to change the realm for the betterment of humanity and the future generations to come.

It must be done, it is inevitable.

I see us winning this battle cryptocurrencies will end the era of banks, and soon there will be no banks left to try and control. We will move forward like the blockchain, every block encrypted, constantly moving us towards the bigger more important battle humanity will face, I call it "Destroying the Divide".

For humans to truly be free from control we will have to remove governments power and remove all borders on the planet. We will learn this in time. We will learn that by doing this, all humans will truly be FREE from systems of control.

Enjoy this video below with some facts/knowledge of the origin of this growing revolution.

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