Satoshi • Pie: the annual results of more than 3000%.

Satoshi • Pie - first investment Fund on the blockchain that invest exclusively in blockchain assets, launched Satoshi • Fund, shows best annual results on the blockchain market with a portfolio value of $ 7 098 900 and the price of a token $11,10.

May 9, 2017 - Satoshi • Pie was launched a year ago by Satoshi • Fund, the first investment company that invests exclusively in blockchain assets from $47 382 (of 102.65 BTC) is running and a starting price of $1 (0,00216636 BTC) during the token SPIES.

For the year, the portfolio volume under management Satoshi • Pie increased 150-fold from $47382 to $7098900 and 42 times of 102.65 to 4 290,04 in BTC. The price of the token SPIES have increased 11 times from $ 1 to $ 11.10 and 3 times with 0,00216636 to 0,00670674 in BTC. For comparison, over the same period of time, bitcoin has grown in 3,6 times, in US dollars, eterium - 9.8% in U.S. dollars.

Tokens Satoshi • Pie - SPIES - tokens issued in bitchees represent a right to repayment in the Fund. All tokens SPIES secured blockchain assets Satoshi • Pie.

Satoshi•Pie uses a unique experience Satoshi • Fund, which in 2014 is investing in blockchain assets on the basis of fundamental indicators such as total monthly growth rate, the number of transactions in the network, trading volumes, the level of adaptation of cryptocurrency, etc. in 2014, the Fund has the provable result of a successful investment. All transactions of the Fund are recorded on the blockchain and can be easily audited in real time.

The main direction of investment Satoshi • Pie - it solutions that provide the necessary infrastructure for Autonomous supranational economy:

decentralized computing;
decentralized data storage;
decentralized communication;
decentralized exchanges.
decentralized investment decisions;
decentralized markets forecasting;
decentralized reputation systems;
decentralized social network.
decisions on mezzocannone interaction;
decentralized identification protocols;
decentralized scheme of mining contracts;
decentralized network of robots, etc.
The investment period is medium to long term.

90% of the assets of Satoshi•Pie - liquid assets. The Fund diversifitsirovat your portfolio in accordance with the rules specified in the white paper. May 9, 2016 portfolio Satoshi • Pie consisted of 8 blockchain assets. A year later it had 26 assets.

About Satoshi•Fund

Founded in 2014 by Satoshi•Fund - a project of cyber•Fund platform. aggregating the data on the blockchain assets. Satoshi • the Fund invests in blockchain assets and has 4056,43% total return in dollars in 2015. Satoshi•Fund is one of the basic investors in projects such as Ethereum, Maidsafe, Bitshares, and Storj, Factom, Augur, Golem, Firstblood, Melonport, Dfinity, and others.

To learn more about Satoshi • Fund:

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