Solarguy’s Solution to School Gun Crimes. Inspired by Stuff I Saw Online.

We hear the call to arm teachers, more security and what not but really the solution is so simple you will be rushing to congress.

First let’s consider why arming teachers is a bad idea.

How many times when you were a student and the teacher blamed the wrong student for talking during reading time? How many times did the teacher punish the wrong student? Heck, even I as a teacher, yes by profession I am a teacher in China, threw chalk a naughty student only to miss and hit the person beside them.
Do we really need mistakes like this to happen?

Ok, so let’s say we did arm them. One unlucky day there is a shooter in the school killing anyone in their sights. The police are on scene, students are scrambling, gun shots can be heard throughout the hallways from outside. A trained teacher who has been authorized to carry in class is trying to be a hero and is actively looking for the shooter in the school. The swat team barges and shoots anyone with a gun. These things happen quickly and cops are often shoot first and ask later when the lives of children are at stake. The police radio simply stated active shooter in a school, a description might not have been given as things are pretty chaotic.

School boards in the USA have mostly been cutting budgets. How many stories or teachers have your heard or talked to say they spend their own money on classroom supplies? The government doesn’t even want to buy them paper or update the text books to save money and suddenly they can afford to arm and train teachers. Really?

The Solution

Close all the schools. That’s right if the kids aren’t in large groups then there can’t be mass shootings. There won’t be hallways for murderers to stalk with guns shooting anyone they see. The government will save tons of money, because you know, they will still keep collecting a large part of those taxes. They can give tax breaks to weapons manufacturers to appease their NRA donors.

All students will be home schooled. At home there will be need for a teacher with a gun. Students wouldn’t have to lose friends to senseless crimes because home school kids don’t have many friends. Kids wouldn’t be bullied or subjected to group humiliation and therefore ending the chance of one kid losing his mind and going gun crazy.

Simple right?

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