Bitcoin agrees to briefly go back up to 20k just one last time to let Robert who didn’t get out in time get out in time

The Bitcoin market has mercifully agreed to go up again one last time to accommodate Robert Grønnevik from Norway, who didn’t get the opportunity to sell at the top when the digital currency reached its all-time highs in December last year.

The upcoming run-up to 20 thousand dollars will give everyone who did not get out in time before Christmas one last chance to race to the exits before it all collapses, sources confirm.

The market has made it crystal clear, however, that it will only go back up to 20k on one condition: that Robert gets out immediately once the price reaches its target.

The Bitcoin market is not usually particularly accommodating to people who get on the wrong side of a trade, but had to make an exception for Robert after learning his heartbreaking story.

Taking out a mortgage for his family’s house and investing the pensions of his parents in law, Grønnevik got in at 16k. He made a clear promise to himself and to his family that he would sell once the price reached 20 000 dollars. However, he says he was captured by a strong sense of greed when the price hit his target, and he decided to wait just a little bit more.

“I was going to sell the bitcoins, but I if it had gone up just a little more to 22k, I could actually have afforded those surround sound speakers I had always dreamed of”, Robert uttered bitterly.

“Robert seemed like a really sympathetic person who didn’t deserve to lose all of his money and his wife and his kids”, the market said in a press release, clarifying its promise to go back up to 20k and give Robert a second chance to get out on the top and provide a happy ending for all market participants.

At press time, Robert has reportedly learned his lesson and will never let his greed control him ever again.

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