Trumps Wanted Guggenheim to Loan the White House a van Gogh

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Trumps Wanted Guggenheim to Loan the White House a van Gogh: The Washington Post is reporting that President Trump and First Lady Melania asked the Guggenheim Museum to loan them a van Gogh painting for the White House residence, but the Guggenheim declined - offering them a solid gold toilet called “America” instead.

Holly crap Guggenheim - that’s simply genius! Talk about art imitating life! I mean, what could be a more perfect accessory for our Tweeter-in-Chief than a solid gold crapper? I can see it all now - the President, regally descending down from the Master Bedroom in the early morning hours unto his “golden throne” - his trusty iPhone in hand - preparing to spew out his wondrous, lyrical covfefe of philosophical wisdom to all his loyal followers. The sheer beauty of it leaves me at a complete loss for words - which frankly makes me wonder if I should consider adding a bit more fiber to my diet.

Anyway, now that Mr Trump has himself a shiny new golden toilet, could a golden shower be far behind? That said - if I were him, I’d think about keeping those tweets to a minimum, because sitting on all that gold for long periods of time, could leave a green ring around that big ass of his. And if you think Melania found him repulsive before, just wait till she lays eyes on that!

But back to my original point, I really have to hand it to the Guggenheim. They appear to have taken trolling the Trumps to a whole new level with this gem. All the same, its really kind of a shame that its all directed towards someone who’s not quite sharp enough to understand all the wonderful layers involved in this most beautiful of insults.

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