Alien: Friend or foe

Thoughts from the past
There are Aliens are among us. They are not trying to take us over. They just want to understand and appreciate us for who we are. They are intrigued by our way of life and want to study it to see if they can learn to enhance their own lives. They want to build a relationship with us to create a kind of peaceful coexistence.They think they have much to share with us. Yes, Aliens are among us. They have hands, feet, eyes, ears and a physical frame just like us. They eat, drink and have families just like us. Surprisingly their intellectual ability appears to be quite similar to ours too. The major barrier between us is language.They are willing to help us learn their language and they want us to teach them ours. It will take time but that's a price they are willing to pay. Yes, they are among us my friends. They are working towards a mutually beneficial existence. Their hope is that one day we won't see them as...Aliens.

-bearmol January 19,2013

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