Asucre Ashoka Pattai ~ Saraca Indica ~ Heartwood - Tonic for the Female Reproductive System

ASOKA PATTAI ~ SARACA INDICA ~ HEARTWOOD - Tonic for the Female Reproductive System

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The Asoka tree belongs to the family of legumes and is a part of the subfamily Caesalpiniaceous. The Asoka tree is a rainforest tree. It was originally found mainly in the central part of the Deccan plateau and in the middle part of the Western Ghats in western India. The Asoka flowers from February to April. The flowers appear in lush and heavy bunches. The color of the flowers is bright orange-yellow and they turn red before wilting. This tree has an important role in Indian cultural traditions.

It helps in comfortable monthly flow. In Siddha & Ayurveda (Indian herbal system) Asoka is said to maintain the health of reproductive organs. It helps to pacify Kapha (Water) and Pitta (Fire). The Powder of Asoka contains estrogenic compound ketosterol which helps to control heavy monthly flow.

Benefits of Asoka Powder: helps to maintain healthy monthly flow & promote comfort during the menstrual days. Asoka is traditionally uterine tonic that supports healthy menstruation.

• It helps to improve digestion of food.
• It helps to improve complexion of body.
• It supports comfortable & healthy monthly flow.
• It helps to tone up the womb (uterus).
• It helps to naturally clean the female’s organs.
• Helps to promote mental or emotional well being.


  1. In Case of Heavy Periods - Boil the powder in water & prepare a decoction. Take this decoction early morning empty stomach. It helps to maintain natural quantity of menstrual flow. Boil the "Asoka Powder" with cow’s milk add sugar in it. Take this milk for 3 months. It also helps in destroying the worms of stomach so helps in comfortable feeling of stomach.

  2. In Case of Leucorrhoea (white discharge) - Boil the powder while mixing water and cow’s milk. Boil this till the water evaporates. After that add sugar to taste and take once a time regularly. Mix "Asoka Powder" and "Rock Sugar" well take ½ teaspoon in morning ½ teaspoons in evening in leucorrhoea (white discharge). Grind mustard with the decoction of the "Asoka Powder" and dry it in shade. Apply it on your face to turn your face skin shiny and glowy.

  3. In Case of Pimple - Take 100 gram of "Asoka Powder" and boil it in 2 glass of water. Take it off when left 1 cup. Mix ½ cup of "Mustard Oil" into it. Keep it for cooling. Apply regularly to get rid of pimples.

**Regular use of "Asoka Powder" makes a female healthy.


The Asoka tree's dried bark contains tannins, sterol, catechol, and other organic calcium compounds. The powered bark of the tree also contains Aluminum, strontium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium, and silica. In order to maintain the medicinal values and physicochemical properties of the Asoka herb, it is suggested that they be kept in air tight containers, protected from light, moisture, and contamination from microbes.


The Asoka tree has many health benefits and has long been used in traditional Indian medicine as a key ingredient in various therapies and cures. Let us take a look at some of the therapeutic uses of the Asoka herb.

Gynecology: One of the best uses of the Asoka herb is in the treatment of menstrual disorders associated with excessive bleeding, congestion, and pain. You can make use of the benefits of the Asoka herb when there is dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain, and uterine spasms. The Asoka herb benefits the endometrium and uterine muscles and this makes it effective as a uterine tonic for irregular menstrual cycles and miscarriage. It is also effectively used in Siddha for clearing congestion from the Medas Dhatus and Mamsa, especially when there may be leucorrhoea, endometriosis, cysts, and fibroids from excess kapha and ama in the Artava Srotas.

The Asoka herb also has a nourishing effect on the circulatory system, thereby making it an effective remedy in arrhythmia and cardiac weakness. The Asoka herb also helps in encouraging urine flow and thus helps in treating conditions that cause painful urination.

The bark of this herbal tree is rich in ketosterol. It treats uterine fibroids and other internal fibroids as well. Hence it is considered as one of the common household remedy for uterine disorders. The mucosa of the uterus could be toned by powdered bark. Boil 2 tsp of bark powder in 2 glass of water till it is reduced to 1/4th. Filter it and take 30ml of this decoction 2 times a day.

Dysentery: An extract of the Asoka flower can be used to effectively treat hemorrhagic dysentery. The extract is made by grinding the flowers along with some water. Doses of 15–60 drops can be taken.

Piles: For internal piles, the bark of the Asoka tree can be used. To prepare the decoction, take around 90 grams of the bark and boil it in 360 ml of water and 30 ml of milk until the entire quantity reduces to around 90 grams. Two to three doses of this can be taken each day.

Arthritis Pain: The specific analgesic properties present in Asoka can used to calm the nerves when they have been aggravated by the Vata.

Stomach Swelling: Intake of bark or leaves of Ashoka helps to get rid of worms and removes swelling in the stomach. Furthermore the stem bark is rich in anti-fungal, pain killing and anti-bacterial properties. Hence it provides a great relief from the burning sensation such as scorpion sting.

Blood Purifier: Consuming tonics made of bark, flowers and leaves of Ashoka tree treats diarrhea and purifies the blood.

Diabetes: Dried flowers of the tree are very helpful for the people who are suffering from diabetes. Prepare powder from dry flower of the tree and take 1 tsp daily to keep sugar level in control

Inflammation: Decoction of the bark relieves from burning sensation and can be used as a wash. It also soothes inflammation externally and internally.

Fungal Infection: Ashoka tree bark is loaded with chloroform, methanol and other properties that treat bacterial and fungal infections.

Complexion: The Asoka herb is also said to improve the complexion of skin. This herb can be used to obtain relief from burning sensations on the skin. It also helps to get rid of the toxins from the body. The Asoka herb is also effective in purifying the blood naturally and in preventing skin allergies.

Other Uses

The other Asoka tree uses include treating the sting from a scorpion. The bark of the tree is used for scorpion sting treatment. Dried Asoka flowers can be helpful in treating diabetes.

Precautions/ Side Effects/ Warnings

The Asoka herb is considered to be completely safe and natural. However, it is essential that you stick to the proper doses. To maintain the effectiveness of the herb you should ensure that it is stored properly.

Ashoka Pattai is easily available at Asucre Pure Herbals in powder, capsule and tablet form. Do let us know your requirements so we can send you our offer for the same.

Legal Disclaimer: All the products are for personal use and not for resale. The product description has not been evaluated by the food & drug administration (FDA). The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

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