100,000,000 Santoshi Equals 1 BTC???

Dear Steemit Community, thank you for a place where I can vent about my angst and excitement about cryptocurrancy. I am the perverbial newbie. I am eager to learn all I can and see tangible results as I believe, with alot of the tech population on the planet and maybe in the universe as well, that the financial system as we know it is headed for a black hole and if it ever returns, will be transformed into cryptocurrancy. I would like to pay props to CoasttoCoastAM for having Ned Scott on recently, to speak about Steemit and I hope that alot of that community feels the urgency like I do to help ourselves, as well as this great planet Earth, become as peaceful and happy and thriving as possible, paying attention to what we are doing and how we are doing it. Now that I have the formalities out of the way, can someone please help me understand why (and I will be looking), why bitcoin is so outrageously lopsided in its value ratio? I am here as I feel that the monitization here is way fairer. I may be simplifying things but I am not corruptable by greed. I share Walt Disney's birthday, which is coming up soon. He said for everyone to remember that, "it all started with a mouse". Also, are arcades the first public use tests of cryptocurrancy? Also, can I 3d print my own crypto? Last but not least, what about nanoctypto and mining possibilities? I will start with these questions and I will be back with hot chocolate with stenciled bitcoins on the top (do they count?) It's time for mind over matter. Thank you for reading

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