Santa Naam Dev

Nam Dev (1270—1350 A.D.):
According to Dr. Tare Chand, “The first of the saintly array of men who changed the faith of this region (Maharashtra) and turned the mind of men from the priest-ridden ceremonial of a narrow creed to freedom and love was Nam- Dev. He is remembered by every saint of Maharashtra, Hindustan, Rajputana and Punjab as the great historic name in the long list of Bhaktta.”

Nam Dev (1270—1350 A.D.):
According to Dr. Tare Chand, “The first of the saintly array of men who changed the faith of this region (Maharashtra) and turned the mind of men from the priest-ridden ceremonial of a narrow creed to freedom and love was Nam- Dev. He is remembered by every saint of Maharashtra, Hindustan, Rajputana and Punjab as the great historic name in the long list of Bhaktta.”

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