Oluronbi and the Iroko Tree

Folktales are traditional stories told from one generation to another, every tribe in Nigeria has it own numerous tales,each with its lesson. Among the popular ones is the story of Oluronbi and the iroko (spirit-tree).

Once upon, there was a woman by the name Oluronbi, she was barren and unhappy, she has waited a long time and tried all means to get a child, all to no vain. Meanwhile, in the land was an Iroko tree name Iroko Oluwere, a powerful spirit-tree whom people of that land worship in quest to get things they need from it. The people would beg for the things they need, but with a vow to give back to the tree anything of value they could afford,in appreciation for their answered prayer, this include goats, yams, chicken,clothes etc.

One day,Oluronbi went this tree, crying and pleading for Iroko to give her a child, out of desperation, she promised to give back to the tree the child she is given. This vow was of great value for no one has promised such. Few months later, her prayer was answered as she was blessed with a beautiful daughter, she name her 'Aponbepore' which means 'the beautiful one', for she was very beautiful.

Days passed so fast, so were the years, the tree waited impatiently for Oluronbi's promise but she had forgotten. When she remembered, she went to the tree, to beg that she can't let her daughter go but she would give anything else to the Spirit-tree, this offer wasn't accepted by the tree, who in no time snatched the child from her and vanished with her daughter forever. She cried and pleaded for child to be returned to her but it was all in vain.
The villagers composed a song that would serve as both a reminder to people and a moral lesson to coming generations

The song goes thus:

Oníkálukú jèjé ewúré

Others offered sheep

Oníkálukú jèjé àgùtàn, àgùtàn bòlòjò

Others offered goats

Olúrónbí jèjé omo re

Oluronbi offered her child

Omo re a pón bí epo

Her beautiful daughter

Olúrónbí ò jo jo

Ìrókò jo jo.

Moral Lesson: Never make promises when you're desperate and make the ones you can fulfill.

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