People Call Us Crazy For Questioning Sandy Hook. Just Take A Look At Those Questions:


Why do the crime scene photos of the Lanza house (where Adam allegedly shot his mother before going to Sandy Hook) present the same rooms in various stages of disarray and tidiness?

Why did the bank demolish the very nice Lanza house?

Why is the crime scene photo of the gun Adam Lanza used also photographed as a new gun strapped inside it’s box? Did they re-package it after the shooting?

How did a 115-pound aspergers-suffering weakling pull off a shooting with a 95% accurate kill ratio?

Why did some school personnel report in INTERVIEWS that Nancy Lanza (the alleged shooter’s mother) was a teacher at Sandy Hook, when she wasn’t? (Wrong script?)

Why are there two versions of the famous evacuation photo? Did they evacuate these children twice?

Why did 16 Newtown police officers officially testify that they all entered the school through the hole in the window allegedly shot out by Adam Lanza? (Why wouldn’t one of them unlock the door for the rest of enter?)

Why is there clear evidence of gunpowder and a breaching round fired from a shotgun that blew out this window? (Adam did not use a shotgun.)

They tell us there were 456 students in attendance that day, and though mainstream media was all over the school and a helicopter was filming from above, why is there absolutely ZERO footage of this mass evacuation of children?

Why is there no frost on the ground in this singular evacuation photo?

Why is Gene Rosen walking around in circles at the firehouse up the street when according to his ever-changing story he was at home giving juice and cookies to devastated children whom a bus driver anomalously dropped off at his house? (Does any of this make sense to you?)

Why did a bus driver pick up 5 children from a crime scene and drop them off at actor Gene Rosen’s house?

Why is there a tape of Gene Rosen practicing his lines and obviously screwing up and apologizing to the camera man, “Matt”?

Why are there 5 ambulances at the firehouse blocked in and unable to move and ZERO ambulances at the school?

Why were some responding EMT’s not allowed to approach the school?

Why are paramedics at the school laying out their empty triage tarps far down the parking lot and nowhere near the entrance of the school where we are supposed to believe 26 bodies lie inside?

Why did not a single parent insisted on seeing their child’s body in person?

Why did the police pronounce all the bodies dead? That is not their job, nor are they trained to make that determination.

Are we to believe that every single parents was okay with just seeing their child one last time in a photograph, and not in person?

How did the Newtown Bee get approval from parents so quickly to publish their children’s faces in the paper?

Why were some parents BRINGING children to Sandy Hook on the day of the “shooting”?

Why is the police report HEAVILY REDACTED?

Why did Lt. Vance say shortly after the shooting in a press conference that all details about the shooting should come from their microphones and anything coming from “other sources” cannot be confirmed and will be prosecuted? (Damage control because people knew what was really going on.)

Why does the tax accessor’s website show that the families of slain children got free houses on Christmas Day when all government offices were closed?

Why won’t they release some of the dash can footage?

Why wasn’t the school ADA-compliant with handicap markings in the parking lot?

Why can’t the school provide any signed approval slips for the very familiar children who sang at the New Orleans Superbowl a year later?

Why are so many photos coming out of this Sandy Hook story proven to be photoshopped?

Why are all the cars in the parking lot on that day facing in exactly the same direction?

Why did they have to demolish the Sandy Hook school if it was so wonderful?

Why did the school demolition teams have to sign disclosures of secrecy agreements and agree to never discuss what they saw (OR DIDN’T SEE) inside the school?

Why is the long gun Adam used in the shooting found in the trunk of his car?

Why were police handling this gun without gloves on?

Why did the first responders who got into the school just believe Rick Thorne, the custodian, that he was innocent, not involved, and on the phone with dispatch? In this situation, any stranger on the scene would have been a suspect and immediately secured.

Why did they use perfectly healthy and alive Lily Gaubert’s picture as the victim Allison Wyatt? (This is also happening in the Ariana Grande Manchester bombing narrative)

Why were some paramedics not allowed to go to the school to help?

Why are people on the helicopter footage seen walking out now door, going around the building, and coming back out again? To make the scene look chaotic and busy perhaps?

Why did Coroner Wayne Carver push forth a bill preventing the release of autopsy photographs BEFORE the school “shooting”?

Why is there not a single crime scene photograph showing a single body or any bloody aftermath scene as you can find on just about any other event involving a mass shooting? These things are public for a reason.

Why was there an illuminated sign on the scene that read: “Everybody Must Check In” and why was it that the Department Of Homeland Security put it there?

Why are there so many people on the scene wearing lanyards?

Why are some of the death certificates obviously photoshopped?

Why are only a select group of parents who lost children photographed at the school on the day of the shooting by mainstream media also the same ones who would be giving multiple interviews in the days that followed?

How did Scarlett Lewis, alleged teacher at Sandy Hook that day, cram 15 children and herself into a 3’ X 4’ bathroom with an inward-opening door? And how did those 16 people not run out of oxygen and not panic for the 45 minutes they were allegedly in there?

Why were all of the funerals closed-casket?

Why did Veronique Pozner lie and say Noah’s funeral was open-casket when video proves otherwise?

Why are there photographs of moving vans at the school BEFORE the shooting? And…

Why are there photos of the school interior with moving company stickers on some items?

Why is Lenny Pozner (father of aforementioned Noah Pozner/Huzaifa Huxaifa), who just so happens to own a business called Traxware that specializes in removing content from the internet, the only father that is seemingly harassed and being threatened by “Conspiracy Theorists”? Could it be because he has killed several Youtube channels based on his fraudulent copyright strikes and because people know that he is a lying government operative?

Why is anybody simply asking questions about Sandy Hook demonized, attacked and threatened?

Why did an alleged Sandy Hook boy say on the Dr. Oz show, “We were having a drill”?


Noah Pozner, an alleged victim, “died” a second time two years later in Pakistan, at the Army Boys School “Massacre.” They even used the exact same Sandy Hook school picture, and gave him the name “Huzaifa Huxaifa.”

Noah Pozner’s mother, Veronique Pozner, did what all mother’s do the day after their son is shot to death in school: She took her daughter to a tattoo parlor and got tattoos.

Dawn Hochsprung, the principle, was interviewed after she was “killed.” She was also given the name “Donna” and her identical picture was used on FOX News as a witness to the Boston Bombing.

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy is on camera LYING about saying he was told “something like this might happen in their town.”

The school was contaminated with asbestos.

There is no recorded internet activity at the school since 2008.

The interior school photos show crowded unsafe rooms used as a storage facility and reveal that it was staged, with moving company labels on some of the supplies.

“Victim” Avielle Richman is actually Lenie Urbina, both images of whom are “the same person” according to 30-year professional forensic expert James K. Appleton. (Both families live in Newtown.

Lenie Urbina’s father gave an interview (pulled from mainstream media, or course) where he says the children were bussed in. His daughter Lenie also talks of her experience, which I presume is the experience of a drill conducted at the St. Rose of Lima school not far away (which is where I think she ACTUALLY was)

A Sandy Hook tribute video was uploaded to Vimeo showing all the child victim’s faces ONE MONTH BEFORE THE “SHOOTING.”

Eric Holder met with Governor Dannel Malloy weeks before the “shooting” to discuss gun control.

Footage of the drill at St. Rose Of Lima (where cops rush the school) was aired as footage of Sandy Hook on CNN

Wayne Carver, the coroner, said in a press interview ON CAMERA that he hoped this “wouldn’t come crashing down on the heads of the good people of Newtown.”

There is a picture of Coroner Wayne Carver at Sandy Hook with other members of law enforcement at the school BEFORE the shooting.

The McDonnell’s are happy gleeful laughing parents interviewed in an obvious living room set by Anderson Cooper 3 days after their little girl Grace was shot to death at school.

Robbie Parker is also laughing as he gives an interview the day after his little girl was allegedly shot to death.

Alleged victim teacher Victoria Soto’s R.I.P. Facebook page was uploaded on December 10, 4 days before the “shooting.”

The United Way Sandy Hook Support fund launched BEFORE the shooting.

Shannon Hicks, who took the famous “evacuation photo” of a single line of children, uploaded that photo to a Facebook album days BEFORE the “shooting.”

Cached internet pages reveal GoFundMe accounts and several articles and Facebook tribute posts were uploaded BEFORE the shooting.

Child “Victim” Emilie Parker is photographed with President Obama AFTER the “shooting” during a White House visit.

David Wheeler, grieving father and former actor who lost a child at Sandy Hook, also played one of the FBI guys that day, in an obvious costume, holding his gun in dangerous ways no trained FBI agent would ever hold their gun, ducking from cameras, wearing sunglasses and his helmet strapped on…seen on every mainstream media channel.

David and Francine Wheeler, alleged Sandy Hook parents, are both actors.

Gene Rosen is also an actor.

Many of the “parents” are also actors, 100% proven.

The FEMA Manual for the Sandy Hook “Mass Casualty of Children” was leaked and is available on-line.

The FBI crime statistics website claims ZERO murders in Newtown in 2012.
Nobody died at Sandy Hook.


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