Sam-saturday Something About Me

SAM Saturday is a great challenge by @bluemoon where we can all learn something new about each other. I love seeing these posts and learning more about my friends. SAM challenge rules

When cancer began to zap Jim's energy and we had begun spending quiet days at home I was looking for something that we could do together besides sit and watch TV on cold weather days and I bought a couple of jigsaw puzzles.

This one was challenging and kept both of us engaged and everyone who stopped in to visit and spend time with Jim spent a bit of time finding a puzzle piece and had a conversation topic that didn't focus on sickness and drugs.

When the weather warmed up we spent much more time out on the screen porch, but there was always a puzzle on the table in various stages of completion.


And then the days grew cold again and he was no longer able to get out of bed and for 4 months we had hospice coming in each morning. Having a puzzle to work on gave me something to do and still remain quietly at his bedside as he drifted in and out of a drug induced sleep.

By the time Christmas came we knew the end was getting closer, but all the kids and grandkids spent every minute they could here and we all worked on puzzles to be quietly in the same room with Jim and nearby if he needed anything.


This is the last puzzle that we did.


Shadow Photo Contest- Round 40- ART Shadows

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