
@bluemoon started a new challenge that begins today! The post you enter only needs to be 'SOMETHING ABOUT ME' and the rules are here. SAM

Use the tag #sam-saturday.


One of the few things I can remember doing with my daddy when I was a little girl was the day he took me to the local library to get my library card. He was a reader and he must have wanted me to be, too. I remember him telling me the rules before we went in the door, about how you couldn't talk above a whisper, and you had to treat all the books very gently or you would be in trouble with Miss Preig, and after I saw her I knew how terrifying it would be to be on the bad side of that grumpy old lady!


I think I read every book that little library held, at least once, and looked forward to the arrival of the Bookmobile with more selections from the big city library. My library card was my prized possession, even though I never had to show it again because Miss Prieig knew me by name.

Even though I do most of my reading on my Kindle these days, my bookshelves are still loaded with all of my favorites that I can't bear to part with. If someone asks 'what is your favorite book?' , I say 'these!'



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The Shadow Contest is on hold. My apologies!

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