I love Broadway- SAM CHALLENGE

@bluemoon started a new challenge last week! 'SOMETHING ABOUT ME' and the rules are here. SAM

Use the tag #sam-saturday.

I love Broadway. When I was a young mom we lived in a small town in Central Wisconsin that had little to no culture.The nearest mall and movie theater was 70 miles away.

A friend invited me to go with her to New York to see a play. This was the mid 80s and I had never been anywhere without my husband, but it was an opportunity that I was not about to turn down!

Two other women joined us, and we had the time of our lives! And the trip became a tradition for the next 10 years!


We went for 4 days and saw a Broadway show each night. During the day we toured, shopped and visited museums and exhibits. By the time we went the second year we realized that we could see three night time shows on Broadway, and we could also add in a matinee. We saw shows that are still playing 30 years later (Phantom of the Opera) and we saw others (Legs Diamond) that closed after a month.


The glamor and the excitement of the city was contagious. By the third year we felt like we knew our way around. And we found that if we hung aound outside the theaters after the show was over we could often meet and talk to some of the stars of the show. It was such a thrill to talk to Maggie Smith and get her autograph.



We ate at places that we had only read about. Sardis, Delmonico's, the Russian Tea Room, Tavern on the Green, the Delegates dining room at the UN. High tea at the Plaza. And Windows on the World on the 106th floor of the World Trade Center- twice.



We took the ferry out to see the Statue of Liberty, we went on a carriage ride through Central Park, we went to the top of the Empire State Building, we saw the Holiday Extravaganza at Radio City Music Hall, and we went to the New York Botanical Gardens. We toured The Cloisters and we went to an Annie Leibovitz photography exhibit. We crammed things into every single second that we were there, right up until we had to get in a cab to get to the airport to come home.


It was something we all looked forward to every year. I was sad when it had to end but life got in the way and all of us moved in different directions. I literally moved from that town and the others all had big life changes. I've seen other shows over the years in London and San Francisco and Chicago, but it was New York that made me fall in love with theatre .


Here is the link for this week's Shadow Contest

Laundry Shadows-Round 38

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