The Salisbury Attack

Here's something on the "nerve agent poisoning" of the Russian double agent.

BP had a deal with Rosneft, and when that fell through, the U.K has been anti-Russia. Now Trump's joining Prime minister May to bash Russia over the "nerve poisoning".

Prince William is the figurehead/ambassador of the FA (football association UK). This product of imperialism, a bygone age of feudal lords and serfs, doesn't want to visit Russia and meet with Putin. His security detail and entourage of lickspittle parasites would need to visit Russia and confirm arrangements. Instead these leeches of us the tax payers create this false flag, psyop.

Sheeple fail to highlight the fact that in the same town the incident had taken place, there's a military chemicals research lab. The Russians are asking for a sample, yet the Uk is hesitant. Besides it could be Ukraine or former Soviet bloc member using old stockpiles, or even a disgruntled military official, or heaven forbid a double agent provocateur.

Now May can use this to justify not sending dignitaries to the World Cup, which is hosted in Russia this summer. Distract from the Brexit farce and gross incompetence. Use the event to revoke RT UK broadcasting licence, guess they'll go to whatever ends to justify the means. Tit for tat V-sign gesture to undermine Putin's election campaign.

Could this be a ploy used by May to look tough prior to calling another election? As with the Manchester bombing too many missed opportunities by the security services.

It could be viewed as NATO's and Qatar/KSA western aligned potentates in the gulf frustration with the lack of progress in toppling Assad in Syria.

Commie double agent outlived his usefulness. Funny the UK gov gave him residence next to a military chemicals research lab.

Maybe Putin did manipulate the weather which resulted in two 'beasts from the easts' episodes. To exploit the opportunity and sell gas to the fuel deprived UK.

Nevertheless, May and NATO member states deliberately omit the bands of terrorists that are in eastern Ghouta. Including Isis, aptly named al-sham, al-Qaeda, al-nusra, free Syrian army et al. That are targeting civilians and preventing them from leaving.

Then the mainstream fake news media spin it and blame it on the secular government of Assad.

Meanwhile the sheeple are being psyop'd into acting counter-intuitively. As the masters of the grotesques, this Cabal of Crony Capitalists and Plutocrats (CCCP) remorselessly beggar's them into penury, and works them to an early grave. By undoing and removing hard fought workers rights and safeguards.

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