Saint Tuka Ram

Saint Tuka Ram (1601—1649):
One of the most prominent saints of Maharashtra was Tuka Ram. He was born in Shudra family, which was devoted to the worship of Vithoba. He led a normal life during childhood and took to trade at the age of fourteen.

Due to death of his father and losses in business he became disgusted with the worldly life and devoted himself to contemplation and devotion. He soon became popular with the people because of his life of piety and service. Even Shivaji had great admiration for Tukaram. The teachings of Tukaram are contained in his numerous Abhanjas.

Tukaram insisted that it was not possible to combine both spiritual joy and the activity in the world. A person who tries to achieve both in the end achieves neither. Tukaram’s conception of God is almost identical to that of Kabir.

He says – “He has neither form nor name, nor place of abode; He is present wherever we go, Vitthal our mother and sister. He knows neither form nor change of form. He pervades the moving and immovable world. He is neither with nor without attributes, who, indeed can know Him ? He will turn to none, says Tuka, who has not faith in him.”

Tukaram rejects ceremonies, Vedic sacrifices, visits to holy places, worship of stones, putting on saints guise, fasts and other types of austerities. He also tried to reconcile Hindu and Muslim faiths.

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