Anaphalis image
Anaphalis javanica, popularly known as Edelweiss Java (Javanese edelweiss) or Senduro Flower, is an endemic plant of the alpina / montana zone in various high mountains of the archipelago.
This plant can reach a height of 8 meters and can have a human-footed rod even though it generally does not exceed 1 meter. This plant is now categorized as rare.
Edelweis is a pioneer for young volcanic soils in mountain forests and able to sustain its survival on barren ground, being able to form mycorrhizas with certain soil fungi that effectively extend the area reachable by its roots and increase efficiency in search of nutrients.
The flowers, which usually appear between April and August, are highly favored by insects, more than 300 species of insects such as fleas, tapes, butterflies, flies, beats, and bees are seen visiting it.
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