Ships log 2017

Made an acc for The Boat I will be posting all logs up to present ...1st post...
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Ships Log June 8th .. 2017
Someone Just made off with my outboard engine (PIRATES)
Not one of the better mornings. My Friend companion partner and a few other things stopped by the boat to check on things today and found the outboard motor missing off the skiff when she got there.... The one I took the pictures from the other day after giving her the spring tune up...
On the up side the marina does have video cameras.
So spent a couple hours watching him get in my boat and go out in the bay and board other boats on the hook. We went through 4 hrs of video and I had to leave for work the Wharfinger was still going through the video when I left. So Guess I will update as I hear.
Maybe I can get the video from him and post it. It took the ass like 5 min to figure out how to even put the motor down.
Ships log June 4 2017
Starter is in ready to pick up monday morning.
Should hear the sweet sound of the Cat Diesel firing up soon.
Going to do my first scuba dive this week some time.
Have all my dive gear now ... Using a hunter dry suit the water temp is any where from 9 to 12Ā°c here .
Well pretty sure I will be able to dive and go down ...its the coming back up part thats tricky lol..
Going to give the boat an inspection and scrape the prop and rudder.
šŸ˜€šŸŗ cheers to all the steem pirates āš“
Ships Log May 31 2017
Work goes well, got the starter removed and in for rebuild today should be done by friday.
Pulled the coil out of the 6 hp kicker it should be in by the morning.
Also splurged and covered the deck with some solar lighting.
She looks good all light up at night ..
Still a couple weeks before pulling away from dock ..
But getting excited.
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Ships Log May 20 2017
Water System up and running
Oh ya hot tunes now ,,,music is playing
Lights in the engine compartment installed
Rear bilge rewired
Starter still not removed 2 of 3 bolts out šŸ˜‰
Tired dirty time to hit the shower locker ,,
Have a good day all,,
Ships log May 15 2017
Another day of liquid sunshine on Vancouver Island ..
Stuck in Comox for another day or 2 at work .
And the refit remains on hold until Wednesday now ..
1235 days until I get to retire and play Otis Redding ...Sitting on the dock of the bay ..... Oh ya ..
Now I have to find the copy of Otis and CCR playing it live on stage .. The best version I have ever heard .. Brings a tear to my eye lol..
I set sail Oct 1st 2020 .... 1235 days away
unless everyone upvotes my log and I can afford to go sooner .. Lol
Cap'n Bri signing off another day another dollar..
Ships log May 13 2017
Another rainy day on the west coast ..
Got called into work for the next 3 days so everything stops ..
Talked to the guys at the deep sea dock about putting a mooring pin in for her .. Looks like a little over $2000 will cover it.
The pin has to be 6000 lbs to hold her in place .
She weighs in at 60,000 lbs .. Will try to get this put in place over the next month..
One thing with boats it does not take long for the moorage to add up to more than the boat and now any vessel of any size is not allowed moorage without insurance.
The combined cost can easily reach a thousand a month for a 60' vessel in some marinas ...
Living in Canada is not cheep ...
Cap'n Bri signing off better get some work done they are paying me lol
Ships log May 12 2017
Long day ..she is cleaned from stem to stern .. Hauled the old battery bank out and the new ones down ...low tide sucks the ramp was a good 45Ā° angle ... nothing like an 8D battery and gravity to test ones resolve ..
Jason stopped buy with ye old bottle O RUM about 7 and work came to a grinding halt lol...
Oh ya best deal to be found on new batteries was the local tractor dealership beat everyone else by $100
Also my submersible tri band hand held radio arrived today ...$80 on ebay the comparable icom was almost $400 in our local shop ...gotta love ebay ...
A few miles of wire and I should have the ham gear running by next friday on board ...
Looking forward to making some contacts.
Now who am I going to get to go up the 60' mast to put the antenna on and change the light bulb ..
Day 2 the refit
Cap'n Bri
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Ships log May 11 2017
Well its a cloudy rainy day on Vancouver Island and I have decided to write my ships log to steemit ...
Its been quite the clean up today had a fellow that offered to keep an eye on the old girl while I was in Alberta working on the rigs ... Note to self ... Never let anyone help... Aside from minor damage he decided to rewire the boat ... The boat by the way is a 60' ketch that is cutter rigged .. Built in the early 80s ..
Her and I set sail in 3 year .. I am retiring at 60 and setting sail..
I will be preforming the renaming ceremony this summer .. As her name is The Type 5... This is not her original name the previous owner gave her this and did not do the naming ceremony ..So this should be done this spring or early summer with a proper gathering and celebration ... Much Sailor Jerry Rum will be needed ..
Now to come up with the right name ... All suggestions welcome ...
Oh one other note find a new crew ..the 1st mate will be hanging from the yard arm with the crows pecking out his eyes when I find him .. On top of fired ..
He lost the skiff ... Failed to secure it properly ... And it took me two days to clean up the mess of beer cans and crap he left ..
Ships log day one of the refit
Cap'n Bri
.Signing off for today . ARrrrr where's the RUM.. ......

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