Sailors in St. Petersburg (continuation of the story)

  In St. Petersburg, the customs kept our yacht for two months. Under the rules of customs, the boats arriving should stand on a special customs berth. But in reality, customs do not have a berth for small yachts. I wrote a petition to the head of the customs to put the yacht in an ordinary marina. The head gave permission, but before the end of the customs procedure, "Astrid" could not leave his berth in the marina. Well we have a yacht, girls are walking along the shore, but we have to wait for months to go sailing again. These fucking rules made the crew sad.

  Once, I and Jimmy decided that no one would see if we sail on the Neva Bay. Moreover, we expected to earn money by sailing with some people, as they did before in Sochi. We began to study St. Petersburg from the water and saw many beautiful and interesting places where you could sailing a yacht. Sometimes we sailed to industrial zones, but more often moored in the park on the Elagensky Island.

  Soon the border guards started looking for "Astrid" and calling my phone. Also the head of the marina where the yacht was supposed to stand had called me. Everyone frightened me with problems. But border guards have never seen Astrid and my friend suggested that the head of the marina reported about us. My friend proposed to solve this problem in the Russian style and we gave the chief alcohol. Several bottles of whiskey and after no one looked for us.

  I recommend sailing in St. Petersburg. Beautiful girls, illegal stuff and drinking with sailors in Kronstadt. In Russia we remember how the sailors of the Kronstadt fought for our freedom. Only I'm afraid that the sailors themselves did not know this because they are always drunk. Do not sleep in the white nights, but remember about the bridges;)

to be continued

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