How 21747 Safe Exchange coin can make you atleast 100.000 dollars a year passive income!!!

Dear friends,

Safe Exchange or is the future of trading. Just think about all the big stock exchanges in the world right now. New York got an MCAP of 19 trillion

On 7th place we got european union -- Amsterdam with a mcap of 3 Trillion.

On place 20th we got Sao Paulo with 0.8 trillion or 824 billion mcap. Still a big one.

Safe exchanges MCAP is 100 million now. A tiny, tiny fraction of those current big ones.

Just imagine if cryptocurrency is going to be widely integrated, assimilated, pervaded and implicated in the world. Become number 1 Fintech in the world.

Just imagine what would happen with the price.

Let us do the calculation

For example:
If you are holding 21,474 of all Safe Exchange Coins in circulation that is 0.001% of all the Safe Exchange Coins

Chille Blockchain is launched 100,000 of the Chille Coins were granted to the Safe Exchange Coin stake holders.
Meaning 2,147,400,000 coins are divided by 100.000 chille coins = 21,474 for one Chili coin.

You would receive 1 coin from the Chille Blockchain for every 21,474 Safe exchange coin you hold.

21747 Safe exchange coin could deliver you 1 Chilli coin.

100.000 Chillicoins will be spread to everyone.

All the 100.000 Chillicoin is responsible for the total amount of reveneu in trading on Safe Exchange platform.

The total amount of revenue fee on New York Exchange was 1.5 trillion a month. That would mean 1.500.000.000.000 / 100.000 = .

Meaning 15 million dollars of passive income a month for 1 chilli coin!!!

Let us say. That Safe Exchange won't become as big as the Stock Exchange today. But it might become 1/1000 of its size.

That still means 15000 dollars a month of passive income!!!!

Get your Safe Exchange coins now or regret it forever!!!

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