Will the Chille Blockchain stop the token fees associated with withdrawing SafeX from exchanges?

So the fee is 100 SafeX to withdraw any amount, this used to be $0.90 & has now climbed to around $3.00 - So the old reasoning that this is purely for the type of token it is (Like XRP, NEM, Bitshare), and that it is to pay the miners on the BTC blockchain to move it has really started to make me wonder - If the tax fee to move these tokens stays static, what happens when these coins appreciate to a level that say, 5 XRP is worth $50?

With the 'upcoming' Chille Blockchain on the horizon for Safexchange, I was wondering if this will eliminate the need to use the BTC Blockchain, and subsequently the fees associated with withdrawing. I feel as though it wouldn't since you pay the same no matter the value of the coin, as that should be a sliding scale if you're paying a fee, no?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks y'all!


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