Michael is an adventurous young man. He is from a wealthy family, and this is apparent in his extravagant way of life. His father got him a cute blue sedan car on his 20th birthday and he has since been cruising round town, having fun with babes and showing his class. His friends in the university are no different, as each one flaunts his exquisite ride everywhere in town.

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On a number occasions, Michael and his friends have journeyed from school to nearby cities, each person in his car, and with youthful impulse / drive, they would begin a road race to determine who gets to the other city first. Michael’s mother is a typical over-protective kind of mother, she frequently tells Michael to be well behaved and particularly he should be very careful when driving. She often call him at several instances to ensure he adheres to that warning.
She soon got wind of what Michael and his friends had been doing on the highway, and fear gripped her. She decided to approach this with wisdom and she therefore called on Michael, pretended as though she knew nothing. She then told him they both would have an appointment with the doctor for their routine medical check-up.

On the set date, she made the driver stop by the Highway Emergency Hospital. Michael said “Mum, what are we doing here?” She answered “We need to see a friend of mine here before going to see the doctor.” She knows well that Michael has Algophobia (fear of pain).

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The first sight they saw while entering the hospital complex was a man, brought in fresh from an accident scene. His left arm was broken and dangling. He was being prepared for surgery. It was a gory sight for Michael, who couldn’t look twice. He asked his mum, “Can I go and wait for you in the car while you see your friend?” She responded no, claiming that she promised her friend He would say hi too. They walked through the major ward, seeing a number of people suffering from various accident injuries, ranging from broken limbs to burns, deep suctioned cuts and so on. When she was sure they had seen enough, she made him see a counselor within the hospital complex. In her counsel, kept repeating the statement DRIVE SAFE, STAY SAFE, LIVE LONG!
Michael’s excursion to that hospital will live with him for a lifetime.

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