Best Practices to Deter a Thief

I found this videod interview between a long-term pro thief and a cop very interesting and helpful. The man was caught after a 20-year career breaking into homes while posing as a jogger, and was up for 20-30 years in jail in Texas. I'm grateful the man was willing to tell this, and that the police put this up. If you'd like to learn a lot of tips to help reduce the chance of a B&E (breaking and entering), theft, etc. of your home, even burglary, rape and murder might be deterred, watch this video. He cites neighborhood watch, wireless alarm systems, aggressive dogs, lights on in remote locations, no line of sight into the home, cameras that can't be blocked with a cap, a mirror that may hide a camera at face level, good quality locks, alarm signs that look new and and say "wireless" in the front AND back, a car parked in the yard, driveway or even out front, and several other things as factors intelligent thieves like him consider before deciding to break in. Another factor you can't do much about is what neighborhood you live in - if you live in a ritzy place, you're more likely to be targeted.

Also, he explains that he'll be in there for 5-7 minutes and he'll target the most likely places for jewelry, such as the master bedroom. If he is in an expensive home and finds only cheap jewelry, he'll start searching. He might even walk out of the house with a portable safe.

Obviously, his MO isn't the same as every thief, burglar, rapist and murder, but he gives enough smart tips to help a lot of people.

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