Sabiglobal project overview

The sabiglobal is bringing several solutions with this I will report some of them artificially the sabi-auth is an embedded or external module and a software for its maintenance carry out the process of identification and authentication of the user so that it aims to facilitate the life of all and to be able to give but security access to all users with the sabi-net it will be a global distributed authentication based on blockchain technology so that its role throughout the sabiglobal ecosystem in the near future, the sabi project can replace all the documents in paper and ID markers and create a basis for free trade based on smart contracts using the sabi authentication with this everyone will be well acquainted and will have the greatest satisfaction in participating in this new step in technology with the sabi storage which will be a sabi hard drive biometric authentication and proof of any such breach
About SABI
SABI technology presupposes provision of a continuous access to a secure system, when the user's logging in to the area covered by a SABI module starts the authentication and authentication process allowing the protected system to securely authorize the user, and the user's logging out the area means that the system must interrupt authorization. The module from time to time performs the user authentication process and sends control signals to the protected system about changes in the user status.

SABI technology will be the basis for a system consisting of several products aimed at solving various tasks in the field of information security and secure identification and authentication:

  • SABI-auth authentication module that allows implementing the procedure of safe logging in to various systems and devices, such as smartphones, computers, homes, cars, etc.

  • SABI-net distributed authentication network based on the blockchain technology, which represents reliable secure authentication of users registered in the network anywhere in the world; it will become a global database for the authentication of most services and can be a universal ID, if identity verification is necessary.

as sabi technology is based on the analysis of the high frequency electromagnetic field of the person an innovation in the field of biometrics will be carried out with the advancement with it the whole human body together with all the cells acts as an impression, so that the permanence of their characteristics is very high the whole system is open for operation only when the user is within the scan range of the system the sabi can act as a global identity card helping everyone with their technology with security first place the team be committed to offer what the best of this way security is your freedom from threats and negative situations everything else is only possible in security conditions and this sabiglobal platform will have to spare today the best biometric authentication systems are not totally reliable so that are left to be desired when it comes to large-scale all existing identification methods have many the main drawbacks
of them is the incompatibility most of the identification technologies is incompatible with each other and the user must use several methods to access different systems this makes them very complex to use the user must remember and store all the logins and passwords, have keys of physical access with him / it becoming very difficult these methods sabiglobal seeks a revolution making yes possible all the necessary security in a single place with the equipment costs for different methods of identification that in turn require different equipment, this implies a increased costs for the purchase and maintenance of the entire infrastructure making it expensive and complicated The reliability of all becomes decreasing Most modern technologies are susceptible to hacking, data and counterfeiting in this way with all these problems well-known solutions these disadvantages by making a safe and reliable age with the electromagnetic profile of the body can not be lost throughout life and it is impossible to pretend because the sabi technology is safe for the user, since its irradiating power is less than the radiant power of smartphones, Wi-Fi networks and others consumer electronics making it affordable in any environment because as said simplicity


and ease of use a single hardware module that can be used individually and as part of complex corporate and international systems with the authentication process requires no user action independence comes to the forefront there is no need for permanent connection with the servers to carry out the authentication process based on a continuous authentication with an authenticity check in the course of the user's work, without additional actions by him as this method will satisfy all security levels the sabi tokens for payment of products and drafting will be used comprehensively in the system with a payment method the token functions as a fee for the use of the hardware and software part of the sabi as a unit of exchange the token acts as a unit of exchange of values ​​within the system and allows users to earn and spend tokens on the ecosystem itself and on other trading platforms all sabi platform users will receive tokens as compensation for upgrading existing hardware and software complex and for developing the network of partners and affiliates for more information visit and read the white paper for more details.



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