How do I study Russian?

I am currently studying Russian. Russian is said very difficult language for Japanese speakers.

There are some reasons.

  1. So many cases.
    In German, there are 4 cases. We need to distinguish form of words depends on cases. However, Russian has 6 cases. OMG, 6!! English doesn't have such cases, but Russian does... No help. I just need to keep going.

  2. There is gender in noun.
    So like French and German or other latin languages, there are gender in noun in Russian as well. We Japanese do not have gender in noun. Thus It is very hard to distinguish male, female or neutral. But good news. There are rules to distinguish male or female, or neutral. Of course there are some exceptions. But it is fairly easy to distinguish.

3.Complete or incomplete.
I do not know how to write in English, but it is like "I close door, but now door is opened now" "I closed door, and door is still opened." It is different context, isn't it? Japanese has kinda sense, but learning in Russian is pretty new.

See, it is hard to learn Russian, but my policy "Just listen listen listen!"

I do not read grammar book usually.

So what do I do? I listen Japanese news in Russian, or I watch Japanese anime in Russian. Luckily, I used to watch anime when I was child. I kinda remember stories. So I watch anime in Russian.

So what happened? I am able to guess "Oh yes, in Japanese, this means. So They must be speaking this this this..." Even though I completely do not understand Russian, I can guess, and I can pick up some words as I listen over and over and over.

Make sense?

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