One News Story Reported Big; Other Big News Story Hidden


The BuzzFeed story reporting Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress got main play in the press. The refutation from Mueller's Special Counsel team kept the story on the front pages. Then BuzzFeed's retort that it stands by its reporting came next.

All of the above took up virtually all of the real estate in the main media. A good rule of thumb when this happens is to also check what else is happening simultaneously in the background news cycles, with the question: Is one story intentionally dominating over another?

Lo and behold, in fact, there was an even bigger story than BuzzFeed's. I write it's a bigger story because the story that wasn't widely-reported actually is proveable, whereas the Buzzfeed story became disputable and essentially more Russiagate pile-on.

Below is the story that should have grabbed greater headlines. So far as I know it was only reported minimally.

Since America's media has become monopolized whereby five corporations now control 90% of everything, and since those monopolized corporations have slashed investigative journalism budgets and fired all of the ombudsmen (watchdog-eye critics), the press is no longer the last defense for the people. Presently, only alternative social media exists to watch over the main media, to keep it from indoctrinating the people. Meanwhile, the main media conglomerates have now established a monitoring system which often censures independent research on social media.

My advice? Question everything ... adorn the truth!

Aaron Maté on The Jimmy Dore Show:

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