Russian Whores & Stereotypes

There's a stereotype that exists in the west --Russian whores. I'm not condoning stereotyping, but come on. I'm not gonna act like they don't exist either. I watched the Jennifer Lawrence movie Red Sparrow a few weeks ago, and even that film played with the trope. Actually, it more than played with it. The whole Russian whore thing was kinda central to the plot.

Anyways. I've visited a few countries where prostitution is legal, like Australia and Netherlands. And I think it should be legal everywhere. Consenting adults exchanging sex and money. What's the problem? Keywords there being consenting and adults. But here in Russia prostitution is absolutely illegal. Duh. But it has to exist somewhere. I bet in reality it's booming. All vices must be. Sex workers, drugs, guns, etc. All the while citizens will pretend they don't exist, too virtuous for all that. Russians are great at one thing if nothing else --the art of the guise.

Sure, I've seen some shady stuff around Moscow, like at gay bars and on mobile apps. But there's something else I see a lot, and it really gets my imagination going. Flyers for "computer masters". I see them so often. I see them in my neighborhood, I see them in the city center, I see them when I walk around different areas. They're everywhere. The flyers always list credentials and contact details, and, most interestingly, they always feature a head shot. The masters are always handsome young men. Always. Never old, never female, and never ugly. Coincidence? Whore-related?

I guess the ugly, internet-troll type of tech geek is more an American stereotype.
Here's an example from this morning:


Geez. Could you just imagine if these cute dudes making housecalls do more than fix your computer? For the right price, they do it all! Maybe I'm just a pervert. I mean, aren't all gay guys overly-horny perverts?

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