Military Tech: Putin Gives Insights to Russia's New Hi-Tech Weapons of War!

In a recent annual state-of-the-nation address, Russian Federation president Putin showed off their newest weapon's catalog. A clear warning was sent out to Western powers that Russia's military capabilities are bigger and badder than ever.

Putin referred to new weapons systems which include but aren't limited to a massive ICBM capable of launching hypersonic warheads, a nuclear-powered submarine drone, cruise missiles capable of almost unlimited range, and to top it all off, a ground-based laser weapon that has already started service with Russian forces.

They say that sometimes the best offense is a good defense and I'd say that is the card that Putin has decided to play right here. I'm not covering this story to spread fear but rather to spread awareness of the current global political dynamic as it relates to technology. If you are like me, you probably prefer learning about the technology of peace as opposed to the hi tech weapons of war and destruction. Unfortunately to be thorough one must leave no rock unturned!

Take a quick look at Putin's speech to get a better feel for what he was trying to say:

We have entered an age of wonder in regard to technology and the military has bigger and badder toys than the rest of us. And when I say toys, I mean tools of death so it is really no laughing matter!

Russia has successfully tested its new 200-ton Sarmat missile (nicknamed Satan 2 by the US military) and Putin promised it now had enough range to attack the US after travelling via the South Pole. That route will avoid the anti-ballistic missile capabilities installed over the northern polar route.

Long range balistic missiles now exist with abilities to travel further than the imagination can wander. It is very likely the newest generation of high tech balistic WMDs can avoid current defensive measures.

According to a recent article found in The Register, the Sarmat can carry ten heavy thermonuclear warheads. In addition, Putin also mentioned a new hypersonic delivery system that could deliver bombs through the atmosphere at speeds too fast to intercept.

According to Putin, Russia will not use these weapons for wars of aggression. He further went on to emphasise that they would be used only in retaliation to a nuclear or WMD category attack used against his country.

"There is no need to create more threats to the world," he concluded. "Instead, let us sit down at the negotiating table and devise together a new and relevant system of international security and sustainable development for human civilisation. We have been saying this all along."

This is a very strong statement directed towards the West. It is my sincere hope that all sides can think about their future moves wisely and continue an everlasting age of peace and prosperity for humanity.

What do you guys think about this warning to the West? Is this just normal saber rattling or should the world be worried?

Please leave your thoughts below!


Hypersonic nukes! Nuclear-powered drone subs! Putin unwraps his new (propaganda) toys - The Register

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